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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I’ve seen this on a few sites. They aren’t even allowed to make rejecting cookies more difficult than accepting them but right now the legal people are trying to educate before they starting enforcing these rules. I expect the lawyers at the Mirror know that this is illegal but think they can get away with it.

    All those things like having to “customise” your cookies to turn them all off, and “legitimate interest” is all illegal under the rules but they’re trying their luck.

  • Context is everything. Police officers are police officers but they’re also humans and they get stressed and do things that they wouldn’t do if they were thinking clearly. For all we know this guy might otherwise be an upstanding officer who immediately regret what he did.

    It’s the UK, not the US. They don’t just let all the police walk around with guns. This guy’s a firearms officer and if they’re called to an incident at an airport then something pretty serious is kicking off.

    If you got really stressed at work and made a split second decision that you immediately knew was a bad idea you’d want people to know the context.

    I’m not defending kicking the guy in the head, I’m just wondering what it takes for someone to get to that point where they think that’s a good idea.

  • I use it out of laziness. Despite all the shit they still have great customer service. About a year ago I ordered a £150 multi-tool and they accidentally sent me a £200 reciprocating saw. Due to a complicated living situation at the time it would have taken me about 6 months to send the wrong tool back so they just said I could keep it and refunded me so I could buy the other tool again.

    The other thing I like is that I’ll just see a price and buy it easily. I’ve often shopped around and found something cheaper but then the whole purchasing process is terrible. They add on a bunch of extra costs, then make me create an account, then add on more costs. By the end I could’ve paid less and got it quicker from Amazon. Not always the case but it happens often enough that I will just go to Amazon half the time.

    But I guess the main reason is that I hate being forced to create accounts and so many shops require that for no good reason.

  • Honestly, off the top of my head I often like the people who come to England but as far as the country itself I don’t really think about it much. First thoughts are that it’s a massive country that’s heavily polluted and kinda obsessed with making money without much care for how they do it, such as how much of the world is making sacrifices to stop buying gas from Russia but India’s just undermining their good intentions for profit. I think if Pakistan invaded they’d expect the whole world to rally around them.

  • Just take the bare minimum and spend a night near your car or home, someone you can up and leave at 2am if you need to. Take a shit before you go.

    There’s not really any surprises for what you need, just take a tent, sleeping bag, warm enough clothes, a little toilet paper, water and food (just take loads of cereal bars and stuff you don’t need to cook for the first time). The only other thing to take is bin bags so you can clean up any mess you make. You should leave the place you camp as if you were never there. No food on the ground, nothing. Don’t feed the animals.

    If you’re feeling extravagant you can take some baby wipes and toothpaste/toothbrush for cleaning but don’t stress yourself on the first time. If you have a garden you can even camp in your garden for the first time just to get a feel for it.

  • I used it around the time of Epic Fail Guy and barrel rolls. It was fun for a while but I eventually realised that it was the same jokes and content going around again and again. Then someone posted a spoiler for Bioshock and I was done with it.

    As for tech answers it’s probably about as reliable as an AI. I wouldn’t expect people to generally lie to you but there would be the occasional bit of bullshit from some troll from /b/. I’m sure you’ll get abuse if people think you’re being stupid, probably worse than a Linux forum.