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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Humans psyche is a meaning inference recursive engine, semiotically I mean, following Charles Sanders Peirce’s Theory of Signs, it generates meaning and thus needs a story to explain it, or simply to tell itself.

    The story doesn’t need to hold sound logic or any objectivity true to reality, it only needs to convey the meaning that it generated so that the mind can believe it more than questioning its validity.

    Long story short, humans really likes being told and believing stories, and often they are the ones telling the story right to themselves.

  • Then it will be something else.

    Mind I’m not defending the free-guns-for-all policy so dear to a sadly large part of americans, I’m just saying that the tool is not the real issue, that one would be the finality of the action and the fecklessness, the morbidly carelessness and yet horrible thoroughness, attached to the though of ending or seriously harming another person. That one is a cultural problem, and very deep.

    Sure guns were instrumental to spread and nourishing such culture, but if it wasn’t the gun then the will to kill would have been manifested through the next available tool.

  • tooLikeTheNope@lemmy.mltoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2922: Pub Trivia
    5 months ago

    Oh no dude, that wasn’t referred to you at all, I got and enjoyed your lighthearted humour, the comment was a just general consideration on the rhetoric I too often encounter when diving into a heavily controversial threads on the interweb; e.g. usually a rando with 5 figures karma points will suddenly pop up out of nowhere bringing up bro’mbastically that in his own singular experience the argument was true/false, therefore whatever was the hypothesis, or the wall of text of fact-checked peer-reviewed argumentation presented, it surely must be simply correct/wrong…and everyone lived happily ever after in demagogyland.

  • tooLikeTheNope@lemmy.mltoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2922: Pub Trivia
    5 months ago

    from the explanation:

    This is a famous, centuries-old open question in math known as Goldbach’s conjecture. Mathematicians widely believe that it is true,it has held true for every number checked up to 4 ⋅ 1018, but since it’s impossible to check every number, we can’t assume it’s universally true

    Way more than enough to make any thing true on the interweb these days