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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Stomachs aren’t necessary… You can jump straight to the large intestine. Even humans can survive like that

    Obviously, they’re useful. It’s another stage of digestion, which means more energy and nutrients are extracted from your food. It widens your viable food sources, just like chewing does

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzJet Fuel
    7 days ago

    I once got on the topic of the moon lending with a creationist co-worker. He said he wasn’t sure, but that if it happened we should be able to see it from satellite pictures. So I said “yeah you can”, pulled it up, and zoomed in on a landing site. You couldn’t see footprints or anything, but you could see the shadow of the flag next to clearly man-made debris

    I showed him exactly what he agreed would be proof in a difficult to fake form, and it just temporarily nudged the needle for him

    Now, I fight conspiracies with the opposite conspiracies.

    Earth is a 4D hypersphere, the earth isn’t hollow, Agatha is just another part of the surface reached by holes

    The elites are hiding all the best vaccines, like the ones that cure cancer

  • I respect it. We think of the Olympics as this Grand international unity thing, but it’s not. It’s a for profit entertainment company

    It’s not the best in the world, it’s hundreds of feeder organizations that submitted the paperwork, and the people they chose to select

    No one had submitted paperwork for Australian breakdancing… So she and her husband did

    It’s art - intentional or not. Skilled or not (it was not). I don’t even know what county won breakdancing… But that couple made an impact on the world, undoubtedly. I could do some of her moves and anyone would instantly recognize it

  • I’m not sure customers are falling for it - this is why voting with your wallet doesn’t work. People rage against games that launch in an unfinished state, particularly when they’re full price. Steam reviews often incorporate price point - statements like “don’t buy this at full price” or “this might have been worth it at $20, but this is not a $70 game” come up a lot

    Sales for AAA games are way down, we just saw the biggest failure in gaming history. Casual reading of steam reviews show people clearly have different expectations based on price, Twitter sometimes explodes with anger at specific moves (like Helldivers requiring PSN) and they back off (temporarily), but they always go back to the bullshit

    The feedback mechanism of “voting with your wallet” doesn’t communicate this message. Metrics show purchases, refunds, and active users… That’s what fits on a spreadsheet. They see a game failing, but that doesn’t mean they’ve understood why

    AAA studios don’t want to understand what makes a game succeed or fail - they just want a formula to min-max ROI. They want strong numbers at launch, but they also want to minimize production costs, and they treat costs (like developers) as line items - they learn the wrong lessons, because they aren’t concerned with the creative part of game design. They want to be the next Madden or assassin’s creed, they want to figure out how to get players to pay $70 + micro transactions (or better yet a subscription too), but they also want their employees to be interchangeable cogs they can push to burn out then replace

    AAA gaming is dying from this, but it’s an oligarchy at this point - large corporations are unable to understand nuance or truly innovate - these are things people do when they have autonomy. They don’t do team building or R&D anymore - that’s a gamble that sometimes pays off big, but not in a quarter or two. They aquire then kill off what made the team work in the first place - any individual can tell you that’s a recipe for failure, but by nature they keep the decision making far removed from the people actually doing the work

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzSeconds
    17 days ago

    Because you can do kinematics two ways. You can look at it by speed*mass, or by energy - in both cases it quickly gets way more complicated when you move beyond spherical cows in a vacuum, but both are equally valid. There’s trade-offs to each approach, but the answer should end up the same

    Just like how you can say a rod from God or an asteroid impact is x kilotons of explosives, you’re looking at the energy being scattered on impact. If you set your reference frame to Earth, you only have to look at the relative speed and mass of the other object and you get a reasonable estimate. You could also factor in how much the earth moves from the impact, factor in how much the atmosphere, water, and soil “soften the blow”, you could theoretically look at how the movement of other celestial bodies gently tugs at both as they impact, the resistance of the materials moving through the earth’s (and sun’s) magnetic field, and endless other factors

    Ultimately, models are extreme simplifications, as are measurements. The universe doesn’t care about units or numbers, the universe works on ratios. Numbers aren’t real - they’re a mental shortcut. Something exists or it doesn’t, there isn’t two of anyone as far as reality is concerned. Our universe cannot be compressed beyond itself without losing information

    You probably don’t care about how much torque your car has on Io, but reality does. 10k tons of TNT is not remotely going to be the same as a nuclear explosion, but humans will only see a mushroom cloud and destruction over a similar area

    But models are useful - they predict well enough to give us a starting point.

  • Holy shit… When I got my wisdom teeth out, I literally broke down in tears after being awake for 20 minutes without Percocet

    Friend, it’s ok to take opiates sometimes…

    Kratom could be an option. You make it into tea, the first cup is a weak stimulant, the second (on an empty stomach) will start to work as a weak opiate. The third or fourth might give you stronger relief. The red strains are supposedly better for pain relief

    You can’t OD on it, it’s commonly available in head shops or online. The addiction potential is very low, you’ll make yourself nauseous before getting what you’d get out of normal opiates. It’s most closely related to the coffee plant - the toxicity concerns are all about contamination, the plant itself is pretty innocuous

    I can give brewing instructions if anyone wants to go down that path, I drink it for anxiety but others say it helps with pain management

  • Agreed, but I think it’s more than that

    I don’t think he’s offering them plane tickets. That means they have enough wealth to move there - it would instantly be a shot in the arm for the Russian economy. They’d get a captive market, and he’s not even inviting them to be Russian

    That selector also means they’re more likely to have useful skills, and the messaging is targeting people very susceptible to Russia style propaganda - he could censor their connection to the outside world, and they’d thank him for it

    Also, if NATO arms hit American civilians, that would be a powerful message to reduce international support for Ukraine or NATO.

    They’re too valuable. They’d pay off for him immediately, and long term he’d have an isolated community that is just begging to chug the Kool aid

  • That’s just because you don’t understand economics well enough

    See, we print extra money when we create debt, which is a great big brain way to scale a very stable and very logical system. It scales with debt, which is basically wealth, right? And as long as everything always grows, people and enterprises are essentially taxed by the banks for everything that produces the underlying things money represents the economy grows. And everyone knows you either grow or die, that’s just basic biology… Why do we need a system that makes money after we’re dead?

    How else would you do it? Have the government print money? How would they know how much to print? Math? Economics are too complex for math, otherwise the economic models I believe in religiously would make accurate predictions.

    The solution is obvious - we just have to capitalism harder.

  • I’m split, but I lean slightly towards no. On one hand, it could be good for discoverability, and it would help my efforts to make a client-side algorithm

    On the other hand, it will make one of Lemmy’s problems worse - engagement. Some people will vote less, and it’s already feeling a little quieter around here as the numbers settled after the Reddit Exodus. I doubt it’ll be a massive change, but a .5% decrease in voting, permanently, could make a difference

    Ultimately, you can see it on federated platforms, so shrug