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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • You absolutely should. With time, the data they have on you will grow outdated, meaning they won’t be able to track an analyze your behaviour because they’ll have no idea how you behave now. It’s like the trail going cold. Hell, just becoming privacy focused already makes it near-impassible to be tracked, and since privacy-aware software doesn’t track, collect, sell or buy your data, what little they have will be much less useful. Also, if you live in the EU, the GDPR gives you a right to request the deletion of all data they have on you, and they must comply. Most other places probably also have laws in place to request the deletion of your data.

  • Assuming that I’m allowed to kill, and that the person would historically die at the age I fight them:

    1. Living: Ali Hosseini Khamenei. I believe of all tyrants in the modern world, only his death would be productive, due to the existing societal unrest. Cunts like Putler, Xi and Kim would just get instanly replaced, killing Ali might actually topple or atleast destabilise the regime.

    2. Dead: Hitler. No comment.


    1. Living: Putin. I hate the petite mouthbreather and whooping his Funko Pop-sized ass is going to feel orgasmic. (besides, he’s so old and fragile by now that even if I don’t kill him, he might get brain damage or straight up die from the beating later).

    2. Dead: Bruce Lee. No point, but it’d be fun as fuck.

    EDIT: Formatting and spelling.