just me

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023

  • shneancy@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzunwatchable!!
    6 days ago

    as much as i believe languages are living tools, cannot be constrained by rules, and will evolve no matter how much old timers complain

    if you tell me about a “venomous mushroom” I’ll freak out at the possibility of such a being existing faster than you can explain how you don’t really see a reason for the distinction between venomous and poisonous and that other languages don’t even have it

  • shneancy@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzPhD Grads
    16 days ago

    PhD grads? My guys, I’m in the same situation with a flipping Bachelor of Arts in my pocket.

    I recently got rejected from a shop that sells cheap and poor quality items for being “underqualified” (the listing required 0 experience and basic education so I’ll go ahead and assume this is the only rejection email template they use and it’s actually the opposite)

  • shneancy@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzDeficiencies
    17 days ago

    i know you’re joking but fuck, sometimes it do be like that.

    Obviously nobody should infantalise people suffering from depression by telling them to “just be happy”, “go outside” etc. but if you’re malnourished, have vitamin deficiencies, don’t go out to hang out with the human tribe, and sit in your home the entire day without moving - you’re going to feel like shite. Fixing those problems won’t cure clinical depression, but the other way round is true too - getting meds for depression won’t cure you of feeling like shit if you don’t use the chance they give you to try to improve your life yourself.

  • shneancy@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzWet Time
    1 month ago

    dang, sorry i should’ve given more context to that, as a regular picture drawer i referred to image editing without realising others might not have the same point of reference for what opacity is

    imagine you have a picture of pure white, you then add a layer of pure black, but you change the opacity of the black layer to 50%, which then shows your final picture as grey. Using more specific terms you changed the value of the alpha channel of the black layer to only be halfway visible.

    This is what i was referring to as “opacity”. Now with your example it’d work in the opposite way, at the risk of making it more confusing (i apologise in advance).

    A CD song wouldn’t be wet or dry.

    You can take your CD song and apply an equaliser filter effect and make it sound like radio.

    Now that filter has a wet to dry slider.

    If you slide it all the way to dry you won’t hear the changes the filter has made and you’ll hear the original CD release quality. If you slide it all the way to wet you’ll hear a modified version that sounds like radio, if you put it halfway through you’ll hear, in a way, half of the effect you applied.

    it’s much easier to explain when you just have the thing in front of you and can hear the difference hah

  • shneancy@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzWet Time
    1 month ago

    sound effects, or more properly audio effects - are things like pitch shifts or reverb, you apply them onto a clip and they modify how said clip sounds. If you later decide you added too much of say reverb you can always lower the wetness of that effect, in the same way you’d see a layer of a picture halfway through you can now hear the sound effect halfway through!

  • rats are simply too smart man, I recently became an owner of two rat boys and in two months they learnt to open their cage (first two weeks actually), foiled my ratproofing 5 separate times, learnt they get farther into the forbidden zone (the bin) if i’m not looking and redecorated their cage too many times to count. All those smarts and they’re using so much of it for crimes

  • shneancy@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzperspective
    1 month ago

    there isn’t one! So feel free to make it up, you probably won’t find it, or won’t know when you’ve found it, but the mere act of looking will point you in the right direction - going out and enjoying the absurdly rare phenomenon of being alive. You and I are a cosmic anomaly, friend, isn’t that cool?

    for a more comprehensive guide on what do when you realise life is meaningless: refer to existentialism and absurdism

  • i love nature

    a plant can evolve to survive in soil without any nutrients by becoming carnivorous, but rain? that’s a step too far buddy

    also reminds me of lurking in the magic mushroom growing subreddit, in the wild those mushrooms can grow on literal cow shit, but in people’s homes they die if their rice is not sterile enough

  • shneancy@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyz8 Minutes
    1 month ago

    there’s definitely going to be some bloodthirst within hours. There’s already people that say there’s nothing stopping them from murdering others aside from the threat of punishment. At the very least there’ll be a steep spike in murders as people go out to commit revenge killings, be they justified or not - they would happen for certain. The preppers would certainly use their arsenal to “defend” their stashes. To-be mass murderers would do their thing. Many people will opt to go out with a bang. Sociopaths will get their last hit of pleasure. Just chaos in general. All instincts unleashed. No need to think about consequences, instant gratification now for everybody.

    Hollywood exaggerates things of course, but imagine all laws got abolished and consequences of your actions didn’t matter. It might be few that take that chance, but it’ll certainly be enough to raise hell

  • shneancy@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyz8 Minutes
    1 month ago

    yea realistically nuclear power would be one of the few things to keep humanity going in that doomed world. There’s definitely a couple of bunkers set up to sustain life no matter the situation outside, but aside from the rich and a couple top scientists to think for them everyone else on the planet will die, honestly best course of action would be just commiting suicide with all your loved ones whilst there’s still some wood to burn for warmth.

    I don’t mean the notifications on your phone I mean the screaming, shouting, and arson outside 😭

    I suspect the first hour (though that might be generous) would be grave silent, then all hell would break loose. Nobody will have anything to lose