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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • It seems like it would be extremely fast to me. Take a 50x50 block of pixels and expand those across a 100x100 pixel grid leaving blank pixels were you have missing data. If a blank pixel is surrounded by blue pixels, the probability of the missing pixel being blue is fairly high, I would assume.

    That is a problem that is perfect for AI, actually. There is an actual algorithm that can be used for upscaling, but at its core, its likely boiled down to a single function and AI’s are excellent for replicating the output of basic functions. It’s not a perfect result, but it’s tolerable.

    If this example is correct or not for FSR, I have no clue. However, having AI shit out data based on a probability is mostly what they do.

  • Voyager had it worse than Enterprise-D in general, but I am struggling to define “natural disasters” in this case. I’ll need help with this as I am not an Enterprise-D expert, but I think I can explain more about what I think is proper context from Voyager.

    Strange aliens that invade the ship are just aliens doing what they do. It’s natural, but technically not a disaster.

    Voyager getting pulled into the delta quadrant was an act of an entity and not really a disaster in the whole scheme of things. It was really bad, but limited in scope.

    I almost classified a planet being destroyed by a dangerous power source explosion a natural disaster, but it’s not. It’s humanoids doing stupid humanoid things.

    Voyager does have “Shattered”, that seems natural and a disaster, but it’s limited to just Voyager.

    “Year of Hell” is so close, because time itself is keeping the imperium in a never ending cycle of wiping out entire civilizations, but doesn’t make the cut because it was still the work of one crew and the “disasters” technically never happened.

    “Friendship One” may be in the running because a civilization was “gifted” with matter/antimatter tech before it was ready. It was a mistake of pure chance that kicked off a path to the destruction of a society.

    (Enterprise-D had a few episodes where they were saving planets from actual natural disasters though. As mundane as that sounds, some of those may come out on top by definition.)

    Edit: To completely destroy my own attempt to set content, “The Omega Directive” may be it as the Omega particle was able to create subspace ruptures. It’s perfectly and evenly tied with Enterprise’s “Force of Nature” where warp drives were destroying the fabric of subspace itself. In that context, both win. Unintentional and unexpected natural consequences of one force of nature acting on another. (I just completed wrecked my own previous arguments, I know. Just having too much fun with this one, s’all.)

  • Oh. When I said “the west” I was squarely pointing the finger at France. China is playing the longer game there because Russia has stationed Wagner down there already. It benefits both Russia and China if the population is focused on removing French influence. China gets a long term investment hedge against France and Russia gets more cheap mercs for Ukraine.

    Now, I don’t really want to spend much time doing a full research project on what is basically a game of thrones’ish style side bet. It’s insanely complicated, I would imagine. After a few African countries went full-on coup d’état a few months ago, I realized there was much more going on.

    Edit: I wasn’t downvoting you. I suspect that some people might be trying to launch some instability of their own. Lulz.

  • The exact same comment was posted from a Lemmy World account 2-3 times, and once from another account on Lemmy .ca.

    My wild speculation is that the user made a comment, it lagged, the refresh button was hit a couple of times resulting in multiple POST commands. Maybe the session continued to appear lagged for the user and they switched accounts, resulting in yet another duplicate POST being executed with the new session token. Again, that is just speculation.

    In my experience, dupe comments are common with phone clients, either on Lemmy or Reddit. I suppose the same could happen with PC browsers if there is system or VPN lag.

  • Spores are everywhere like you say and you only really see a tiny percentage of mycelium. Fungi kinda is everywhere already, but where it can grow well is much more limited.

    Fungi can be remarkably picky about its growing conditions to thrive, otherwise, it’s growth will be remarkably slow. However, if you put a tablespoon of dirt under the microscope, there could be dozens of mycelial strands in it trying to survive. They can all survive, to a degree, but there are a couple of issues preventing dominance.

    If it can find a place to settle in and grow, chances are that many other spores may be trying to take hold as well. Fungi is insanely competitive and is constantly fighting for space. Fast growing fungi is what we normally see take over food sources and it’s usually a type of trichoderma. Trichoderma will literally choke out other fungal growths simply due to its rapid development. If an existing colony is weakened for one reason or another and it gets a trich infection, it’s game over.

    For commercial mycelium development, (button mushrooms, oysters, etc.) growing conditions are generally perfect and the substrate used is tailored specifically per species. (It’s mostly sanitized poo or specific types of wood.) Temperatures need to be adjusted for each growth phase as fungi can be very sensitive to that. Some strains of shiitake are rumored to require a physical shock to fruit. (Like, the substrate bag needs to be physically smacked hard. It’s an odd characteristic.)

    To sum all of this up, it usually comes down to competition. Where there isn’t fungi, there is bacteria. Plants even have chemical defenses to both. Small critters and insects may eat all three of those things.

    Next time you look at your garden, just remember you are looking at an actual battleground for millions of critters of all shapes and sizes.

  • I would. While pickling is a good way to preserve food, the food itself needs to stay submerged in the pickling solution if not refrigerated. Acids used in pickling solutions are extremely hostile environments for bacteria.

    Big caveat: Pickling and fermentation processes can be very different. One process may work to keep food safe for years, but others may only last weeks or days once the food is exposed to air.

    Refrigeration slows down bacterial growth enough for days or weeks of storage, but eventually, robust bacteria will take over if there is just a little bit of air circulation. Warmer conditions with occasional air circulation and some kind of food source just increases the risk of bacteria development exponentially.

    Before refrigeration was a thing, picking or salt packing was king. It works well, but it’s easy to screw up. Heck, I think authentic/traditional kimchi production never uses refrigeration and relies on the acids as well as CO2 and basic ethanol production to stay sterile safe.

    These days, just throw everything in the fridge. It’s easier and safer because you don’t know exactly what preserving processes were used.

  • “Your TV has become a digital billboard.”

    It’s been a digital billboard for at least 40 years of my life. Radio was no different, so be sure to drink your Ovaltine.

    Have you never seen a commercial before? Cheap subsidized hardware? Bloatware loaded on phones? Bloatware on TVs? Games that require 5 mins of ad time? Google’s crippling of Chrome to break ad blockers? Unskippable ads on YouTube? Sponsored ad spots in YouTube videos? All the 3rd party logos on Smart TV boxes? Product placements in movies? Ad placements before the movie starts? The list goes on.

    The entire entertainment industry is based around advertising. Every delivery platform is designed to show you ads first and entertainment second.

    People have problems figuring that out?