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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 4th, 2024


  • The reason is that there’s not an infinite amount of ressources. Integrating them properly works well as long as there are enough ressources, but when too many come in a too short timeframe it sadly does not work for all of them (also makes it much harder for them to get proficient at German since they can live in their own bubble and just talk in their native language).

    (And we have many ressources, but we (Austria) took the most immigrants per capita of all central European countries, even significantly more than Germany which is known for having taken so many. We really are trying.)

  • There only are so many resources for them. Here in many European countries the main issue (I think) is that with the current numbers we fail to teach them all our language (it’s simply not possible without having more language teachers available, and apart from needing those teachers that also needs more money). Without knowing the language their professional development is massively hindered, causing many to remain lower class, and causing disproportionately high crime rates among certain groups.

    This leads to further problems: In the big cities there already are schools where people who speak the local language are a minority (for example in a primary school near me they have two classes for each grade (1-4) for children who can’t speak German yet and one class for all grades together for German speaking children).

    So guess what people do: They go to a district with less immigrants, while the districts with many immigrants keep getting more immigrants (since cost of living is low there and as pointed out earlier many struggle to leave lower class). We’re re-creating segregation. This makes it even harder for those people to leave lower class, since they have no networking opportunities but only know others from lower class instead.

    Even the left wing parties are now saying that we have to reduce immigration and instead integrate immigrants better.

  • S24:

    UI not confusing at all imo, just your typical Samsung Android. And obviously not slow since it’s a flagship phone

    No ads

    Not really bloated (comes with Samsung’s own apps + Google’s apps but you can uninstall most of them)

    Decently fast updates

    7 years software support (not only security updates but also 7 years of new Android updates)

    Wouldn’t say 4000 mAh 50 MP sounds that fancy, but it works very well (lots of optimisation for the battery and good software for the camera)

    Downside: expensive (~600€ new currently)

  • Germany already paid them a lot

    Bereits erbrachte Zahlungen

    Die von der Bundesregierung finanzierte Stiftung Polnisch-Deutsche Aussöhnung in Warschau zahlte seit ihrer Gründung 1992 zunächst 500 Millionen DM an polnische NS-Opfer aus, später folgten Zahlungen in Höhe von fast zwei Milliarden DM an noch lebende ehemalige Zwangsarbeiter.

    Germany already paid 500 million DM to polish NS-victims and later nearly two billion DM to polish concentration camp survivors. (1992+)

    They also got huge areas in the east of Germany (20% of Germany) and the German population was removed.

    1957 Poland signed a treaty to stop reparation payments from West and East Germany.

  • I’m atheist but that’s not one of the reasons for it since you can explain it logically. The usual case here is that there can’t be good without evil (either there are both or everything is the same).

    Example experience from my life: You eat great food at a restaurant every now and then. Then you join the military and eat bad food every day. After a while the bad food becomes normal, and when you’re at home and just cook something that was normal before it’s great.

    If everything just is great, nothing is great anymore. If everything is good, nothing is good.

  • Those two were always mixed. Majorly German but still mixed. Most importantly they never were their own culture, just part of a bigger culture. And they weren’t cultural core regions.

    North Tyrol and South Tyrol, even when ignoring their well over a thousand year old ties with Austria and going back to a time before Austria existed, have always been one culture, united. I guess you could compare it to taking Latium (the region around Rome), splitting it in two parts, choosing one part and making it let’s say French, forcing everyone there to be French, trying to replace local culture, cuisine, language, clothes, festivities etc. with their French equivalent, telling people that it has always been French, etc. Not sure if North Latium and South Latium are as close culturally as North Tyrol and South Tyrol, but I suppose so and at least they’re an Italian cultural core region and have been for ages so at least in that regard they’re comparable.

    (Except the people there would have a harder time resisting since they can’t hide as easily as in the mountains, so chances for success would be higher.)

    And that’s not even considering that the cultural gap between Tyrol (typical Alpine culture) and Italy is much bigger than between for example the Provence and Latium (both maritime).