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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • The crowd that murdoch and limbaugh handed the orange parasite on a platter, does not care about pesky and boring little things like facts and figures. It is an irrational mob fed with bacteria-infested red meat for two decades. They can only be reached via the basest of impulses, ripe pickings only for the most ignorant and/or shameless of conmen. It doesn’t help society that the right-wing toxic propaganda machine operates at full blast 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • If you drive down Baja California, with Ensenada behind you as you keep going due south, you will start encountering a few stands and roadside restaurants here and there that always seem to have crab burritos on the menu. Some of these are thick with meat, also all the usual finely-chopped vegetables found in shredded beef machaca common in northern Mexico cuisine.

    When crabmeat burritos are on the menu, I know I’m south of Ensenada, near the boundary with that mythical, mystical, wild desert Baja. That sensation and flavor combo go hand-in-hand in me.

    EDIT: these places also usually make some killer huevos rancheros, too, some places accompany them with side helping of chorizo made with abalone or sea-snail.

  • I think it’s down to preference, as even the warm water Pacific lobster is the premium menu item on hotel and seafood restaurants in tourists towns in Mexico, and even in the United States west coast.

    I’ve had the Pacific lobster many times, but only one time did I have the northern Atlantic one, and it is more meaty, but flavor-wise I did not detect a dramatic difference.

    Granted, in the wrong hands, or if it’s frozen, lobster doesn’t taste like much of anything. I’ve made that mistake before, of ordering something like that in a random restaurant or a tourist trap.

    But you know what I really prefer? A heap of Dungeness crab, cooked in butter, wine and garlic. Then add lemon. Yikes.

  • niktemadur@lemmy.worldtoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksAlso caviar
    12 days ago

    The most oysters I’ve ever had was three dozen, in the Baja coastal town of San Quintin. You told the man wearing rubber pants to the waist how many you wanted, he’d wade into the water with a machete in hand, hacked at what essentially was a rock of bunched-up oysters, then waded back to the shore.

    He’d plop that heap of oysters on a wooden table, give you a shucking knife, a bunch of lemons, Salsa Búfalo (not for buffalo wings, it was a brand of smoky hot sauce) and salt crackers.

    If they had a blue ribbon that said “I ate like a pig in San Quintin”, I am not ashamed to say I would have earned it.

  • niktemadur@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzSeriously.
    12 days ago

    Dimensionless numbers, not dependent on any mere mortal, subjective arbitrary unit of measurement like length (meters or yards or cubits - same difference) or time.
    Whether you are on Earth or a planet in Andromeda or a billion light-years away, if you study subatomic structure you WILL bump into the fraction 1/137. Just like you will in geometry with 3.1416.

  • niktemadur@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzJackhammer
    12 days ago

    A bullet fired from a gun goes more or less at Mach 1, correct?
    It’s thirteen years to the sun at the speed of a bullet?

    Spacecraft towards Mercury, or the Parker Solar Probe go much faster than that, take a few years to make it there, but they are doing so picking up speed in flybys of first Earth, then Venus, then Mercury, in several, ever tighter orbits.

    It’s both fun and illuminating to try and visualize these things in new ways. In this case, from the viewpoint of a bullet.

  • niktemadur@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzExplosions in the Sky
    16 days ago

    But it wasn’t really an explosion, it was more like a spontaneous, insane inflation that found itself suddenly huge and empty, only after it was through with that particular stage did it zap itself full of energy and matter everywhere all at once. Then it continued growing in volume and thinning out via regular ol’ relativistic expansion.

    EDIT: looking a little bit closer, there’s the thing about zapping all over itself after Inflation, it was almost perfectly half-and-half matter/antimatter, which then proceeded to join and annihilate into pure energy, but for some reason probably related to the Weak Force, just a little bit more matter was created than antimatter.

    And that’s what we are and see today, 1 part out of every 8 million-and-one. For every 4,000,000 parts antimatter, there were 4,000,001 parts matter, only that 1 left over particle of matter, multiplied a bazillion times.

    That’s just a whole other level of amazing than just saying “an explosion”.

  • Because so many trump voters are low-information, rabid and impervious to fact and/or reason. They will vote orange even if he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue to death, or if there are 32-or-whatever felony indictments/verdicts.

    Meanwhile, many potential Democrat voters are also low-information in their own way - impressionable, fickle and with little memory retention, they seem unable to act upon a clear and present danger until it punches them in the goddamned face (and by then of course it’s too late), somehow have normalized the orange threat and are easy prey to an algorithm pushing a “both parties are the same” divide-and-conquer propaganda.

    The difference between a parasite-laden excrement chip cookie and a raisin oatmeal cookie, “But I wanted chocolate chip! bOtH cOoKiEs ArE tHe SaMe!”

  • niktemadur@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzPass me a Taco Cheif
    1 month ago

    It actually could be part of the background urban texture in a cyberpunk world. Like Jollybee or Chow King, Taco Chief could be a large Asia-based chain, peddling… I mean serving… generic tex-mex in places like Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Brunei, Jakarta and Manila, in the year 2050.
    Grand opening summer 2051!: Antananarivo and Hanoi.