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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • In Germany, juvenile detention is up to 24 years. Juvenile law is also not that straightforward, if it’s applicable also depends on how “childish” someone still behaves. In some cases one can be 20 and still go to an adult prison, e.g. if they’re very violent and wouldn’t fit into the education-oriented juvenile detention. On the other hand, older people who behave very childish (e.g. because of a disability) will usually not be put into an adult prison and instead get something more therapy oriented similar to juvenile detention.

  • “Bescheissen” is not as vulgar as you might think, even if it contains Scheisse (shit).

    A more literal translation would be “little Good Lords cheat”. The “*le” at the end is a local (South German) dialect thing, a diminutive suffix meaning “little”, just like “doggy” means “little dog”.

  • The basic software like the Intellij Community Edition is also fully open source. (And it’s not actually basic at all. It’s a great full featured IDE)

    Basically you’re only paying for their support/updates and for specific language and toolkit support, which makes sense to me. They need to pay their staff somehow.

    It’s not comparable to Adobe or other crappy manufacturers where you own nothing.

  • You acquire skills and then start the business. Without skills, you won’t know if the idea is any good.

    Like your idea could be to create and sell a software to design Lego builds, but without any skills in software development or law, you’d have no idea if that’s feasible programming wise, how much work it would be, or if Lego might sue you for trademark violation if you do that.

    Ideas are easy, doing the stuff is hard.

    Obviously you can outsource some parts, for example you could hire a lawyer to make sure you violate no trademark law, but when you don’t have much money, the reality is that you will start small and have to do most research and actual work (if not all) yourself.

  • The main difference is that when you compile a program for Windows, Linux etc., you have an operating system and kernel with their exposed functions/interfaces so even in a compiled program it’s pretty easy to find the function calls for opening a file, moving a window, etc. (as long as the developer doesn’t add specific steps hiding these calls). But in an embedded system, it’s one large mess without any interfaces apart from those directly on the hardware level.