
Hey 👋 I’m Lemann: mark II

I like tech, bicycles, and nature.

Otherwise known as; @lemann@lemmy.one and @lemann@lemmy.world

Dancing Parrot wearing sunglasses

  • 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023

  • I have to admit I’m not entirely convinced these requests are coming from a compiler…

    Is it possible for you to virtualize an non-networked system with your GPU passed through? That seems like the best option IMO. Next best thing would be to set up an airgapped machine just for this, but not everyone has a 2nd machine.

    Personally when I was trying out local LLMs I used a virtual machine, mainly due to the known code execution vulnerability related to Tensorflow model data being saved in python’s Pickle format. I believe the recommended save method changed twice since those days though.

    With the Firefox stuff I’m assuming you’ve also checked their enterprise config options too (which are admittedly difficult to find and piece together online), so not too sure what else you could do except aside from continuing to block them. Librewolf however provides documentation on how to disable the extra requests sent from their browser in their FAQ, and covers some preferences on the subsequent page linked at the bottom

  • I’m rooted to…

    • backup & restore my apps as I please (as well as scheduled backups to my SD card)
    • BMS control to keep my battery in good health
    • Automation app for automating stuff (like Tasker)
    • revoking typically unrevokable permissions from system and Google apps
    • To actually feel like I own my device.

    If I wanted a heavily curated (and somewhat locked down) experience, I’d be in the Apple ecosystem - don’t know why Google thinks it’s a great idea to force this ideology onto practically all Android users…

    Similar situation with that additional warning for sideloading apps - there’s already two warnings and Play Protect typically uninstalls these apps anyway, without the user’s consent - in one case deleting KDE Connect from users’ devices if installed with F-Droid

    Uhh I definitely went off on a tangent, oops.

  • A while back I made a Lolin32-based weather station that lasts for around 60 days on a single disposable vape battery.

    It wakes up every 15 mins, and while it’s connecting to WiFi it retrieves the AM2302 sensor readings. As soon as they’re transmitted it goes back to sleep.

    I wish there was a more power efficient alternative though, like whatever is being used in those BLE LYWSD03MMC sensors that last for around 3-6 months on a cr2032 whilst also having a display built in

  • To combine a bunch of explanations I’ve seen in the comments here:

    A bourgeois philanthropist game show producer who dabbles in poverty porn.

    That said, I do occasionally burn time watching some of his videos, however some of the content (especially the more recent game show ones which feel a bit like toying with people) rub me the wrong way.

    I have no idea if his philanthropy efforts are genuine or not - he’s barely visible in those videos (he has another individual hosting those videos) although I do appreciate the efforts they appear to go to when assisting communities desperately in need, and careful implementation of solutions that are sustainable, and can actually be maintained and fixed with local knowledge.

    I’ve seen way too many “gimmicky” charity contributions by other organizations that become worthless as soon as they break because nobody fixes them, as well as other solutions that seemingly make sense from a western cultural lens but aren’t really understood by the local people… worst one being a “merry-go-round” water pump mechanism where senior locals are forced to “play” just to pump water for survival. It was originally intended as a kids toy, but they of course don’t have any attachment to such a foreign device, thus don’t use it.

    Ehhh apologies for the mini rant there 😅

  • ASMedia is the only controller IC manufacturer that can be trusted for these IME. They also have the best Linux support compared to the other options and support pass-through commands. These are commonly found in USB DAS enclosures, and a very small fraction of single disk SATA enclosures

    Innostor controllers max out at SATA 2 and lock up when you issue pass-through commands (e.g. to read SMART data). These also return an incorrect serial number. These are commonly found in ultra cheap desktop hard drive docks, and 40pin IDE/44pin IDE/SATA to USB converters

    JMicron controllers (not affiliated with the reputable Micron) should be avoided unless you know what you are doing… UASP is flaky, and there are hacky kernel boot time parameters required to get these working on Raspberry Pi boards. Unfortunately these are the most popular ones on the market due to very low cost

  • Deleting documents from insider branch users a few years back, forced installation of HP SMART printer utility, constantly switching users’ default browser back to Edge, even bypassing my employer’s GPO to do so at one point in a Teams update

    Not to mention their habit of making practically everything opt-in by default. And what is up with the new Aptos “cloud” font that only works if you have an active Office 365 subscription?

    I don’t know tbh, Windows just doesn’t cut it for me anymore personally, mainly because of Microsoft. Stuck with it on my desktop though because of sim hardware.

    I still have XP on an airgapped old PC for nostalgia ☺️