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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • While interest rates stay high, so will returns on money market fund investments. A simple investment account (likely available from your current bank) with everything put into a good MMF should bring 4+% right now, and is less likely to have withdrawal frequency limits and definitely won’t have a term length like CDs.

    At Chase, they’ve got a solid MMF option that’s been over 4% for a few months and has same day liquidity, meaning it’s basically cash even though it’s getting interest. I think it’s the lowest risk, highest convenience option currently.

  • A big part of that decision is honestly that we live in a very old house, and a few times we have needed to buy new appliances or pay $10k+ in a ≤24hr. emergency, so we try to keep roughly that amount as liquid as possible. Since that’s earning zero and the MMF is nearly as liquid as savings, we just keep all the rest in the higher-interest options, and none at all in a traditional savings account. It’s just been the most convenient and highest yield, lowest risk, most easily liquidated option, with the ease of liquidity cutting minimally into returns while MMF rates are so high.

  • I personally keep like 4 weeks cash in a checking account, some traditionally invested that I don’t plan to touch for many years, and everything else (12+ months at this point) in an investment account at the same bank as my checking, but exclusively invested in a money market fund with same day liquidity. MMFs are earning around 4+% while fed interest rates are so high, and being able to sell and transfer to my checking in a single day feels like it’s basically liquid already.

    Since that’s the case, I don’t want any more than necessary sitting in an account earning 1% or less, just doesn’t feel like that much of a difference between investments that can be liquid in 2 hours vs. savings, but my bank is great about quick investment selling and transferring.