• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • In Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, in the village of Saraain, one young girl, Fatima Abdullah, had just come home from her first day of fourth grade when she heard her father’s pager begin to beep, her aunt said. She picked up the device to bring it to him and was holding it when it exploded, killing her. Fatima was 9.


    By the end of the day, at least a dozen people were dead and more than 2,700 were wounded, many of them maimed. And the following day, 20 more people were killed and hundreds wounded when walkie-talkies in Lebanon also began mysteriously exploding. Some of the dead and wounded were Hezbollah members, but others were not; four of the dead were children.

    Both are war crimes, and while Israel hasn’t formally declared war. Their defense minister is calling this a war.

    But you can’t use indiscriminate attacks, and you can’t aim for maiming instead of killing.

    Shit like this just makes more terrorists, which at this point is pretty obvious is Israels goal. They do t want to “win a war” they want to create a permanent boogey man so Israels current unpopular leaders get to hold.o to power a little longer.

    Bibi and his people will keep doing this shit, because it’s the only way they keep power.

    They want war and chaos

  • This is why it’s important people understand the details of the civil war.

    What lead to it wasn’t just “slavery” it’s that the South wanted the federal government to go into Northern states and bring back anyone that was suspected of being an escaped slave back to the South. Basically they wanted federal law enforcement to go on slave raids.

    They won’t be happy with shitty laws in their own states, they want to force everyone else to follow them.

    And this time the SC is on their side, and if we won’t fix that, we need to be ready for the bullshit they’ll keep pulling.

  • Obviously, I do t know anything that’s not in the article…


    We’re looking at drafted soldiers, and officers that were likely career military before…

    There’s a reason why America stopped doing that even if the kids today don’t know where “fraggin” comes from.

    In Vietnam, it wasn’t just because they hated their Officer, it was also if their last one got killed legitimately and the new guy was obviously going to get you and your buddies killed. In that environment, it doesn’t matter if your officer is trying to get you killed or is incompetent.

    And especially today with all the media and propaganda, it’s hard to say this one was some kind of spy or intentionally causing Russian causalities.

    But its just as likely he’s an old school “a soldier is a soldier, stop playing video games” type of guy.

    To the troops that can look like intentional sabotage. When troops start thinking their officers will get them killed…

    I can’t think of a nation off the top of my head that won a war like that.

    The closest would be when the Nazis invaded Russia and any Russians that ran got shot by the Russians behind them.

    But that wasn’t their officers. That was the officers and troops behind them that would be doing the same thing in days or even hours.

    If Russian troops start thinking the best way to stay alive is kill their officers, we’re gonna start seeing a lot of dead officers, especially with Russia’s reliance on criminals and mercenaries these days.

  • We couldn’t talk about Biden ignoring facts and repeating foreign propaganda when he was the candidate because trump…

    He ain’t the fucking candidate anymore, but Kamala and the party holding him accountable for this shit and pushing for him to get out now if he’s really demented enough to still believe Israel, would really help nonvoters see the difference.

    Show people who aren’t planning on voting that at least one option holds themselves accountable.

    In a statement, Joe Biden cited evidence provided in the IDF’s initial inquiry, saying the “preliminary investigation has indicated that it was the result of a tragic error resulting from an unnecessary escalation”. The US president also told reporters that Eygi was killed probably as the result of a bullet ricochet, and “apparently it was an accident”.

    But a Washington Post report said that protests had subsided before Israeli forces opened fire, indicating that there was no immediate threat to the soldiers and little justification to target Eygi or any other protesters with live fire.

    According to the investigation, Eygi was “shot more than a half-hour after the height of confrontations in Beita, and some 20 minutes after protesters had moved down the main road – more than 200 yards (183 metres) away from Israeli forces”.

    The potential target, a Palestinian teenager who was wounded by Israeli fire, was standing about 18 metres away from Eygi, witnesses told the Post.

    The investigation was based on accounts from 13 witnesses and more than 50 videos and photos provided by the International Solidarity Movement, as well as Faz3a, another Palestinian advocacy group.