I finally kicked the Reddit monkey. Please forgive me.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2024


  • Oh, you see, that’s not the same thing. Most gay men are absolutely fucking terrified of vaginas, for example. A total mystery that, for most of us, we have only ever encountered in a biology class. (On the other hand, we probably know more about them from that biology class and our lady friends than most unmarried straight men). However, even as a straight guy, you could admit that dicks are fun to play with, even if it’s just your own. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Ya see, as best, as I can figure, the boob thing for gay guys is that, it’s a novelty because we don’t have them (usually), they’re actually kind of neat and fun, and if you push them together, they look like a butt, which is something we actually do like.

  • No. I was being snide and should have been more clear:

    Janeway, I believe, was an especially unscrupulous captain who too often crossed the line to get what she wanted. This often included getting Tuvok, one way or another, to perform mind-melds under morally dubious circumstances. Sometimes Tuvok would undertake such endeavors on his own, without any prompting from Janeway, even without her knowledge at times.

    I liked Voyager, but that crew was shady as shit.