• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023

  • It’s a complex and polarising issue. The main problem is that some, sometimes most, of immigrants don’t want to assimilate. They are creating ghettos, don’t respect local laws. Other issue is that governments prefer to spend tax payer money for accommodating immigrants instead of solving nation’s issues.

    I wouldn’t limit immigration per se. I would limit unchecked illegal immigration and spend more money on assimilating immigrants that want to contribute to a country they moved into.

  • Privacy means that no one can see your data, and only you can decide who can see it. Anonymity means that everyone can see your data but no one can match you with the data.

    As for the question, yes, I would more than happy when people could understand the risk of giving up the privacy. But I’m afraid that not many people would understand the message carried by those books.

  • Putting aside economical aspect, western civilisation in order to sustain itself, requires on average little above 2 children per household (can’t find the link to the study). Such number would provide enough “man power” to replace aging work force and would keep society going forward. This is the perfect world scenario. Unfortunately we don’t live in a perfect world and there’s nothing current governments can do to change it. It would require a lot of work, money and time and no government will risk long term investment because it won’t give much votes.

  • Circa 1975, IBM proposed the cipher now called DES, the Data Encryption Standard. It became a worldwide standard for secret key encryption. As IBM originally designed it, DES had a 64-bit key. The National Security Agency (NSA) required that the key be reduced from 64 bits to 56 bits, with the other 8 bits used as a checksum. This made no sense. If a checksum were really needed, then the key could be increased from 64 to 72 bits. It was widely believed that the real reason the NSA made this demand was that it knew how to crack messages using a 56-bit key, but not messages using a 64-bit key. This proved to be true.

    Secret Key Cryptography by Frank Rubin

  • I am a private person. Not because I have something to hide, I just don’t like the idea that my data is being sold which exposes me to various scams. I got to the point where some of my online purchases are marked as fraud due to measures I took - vpn, email alias, delivery to a parcel locker, spoofed phone number, one time cc. But with cars I cannot help myself. I truly enjoy all the “smart” features. Collision detection, ability to press SOS button when I need help, ability to remotely start/stop/lock/unlock/turn on/off ac/etc. I know how privacy invasive those things are but in this case I’ve chosen convince over privacy.