here we go again

is also:
was: /u/experbia

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023

  • “I assume” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

    as someone who runs GrapheneOS and looked into the possibility of doing contactless payments: no. it simply does not work. all the contactless payment apps can somehow detect you’re not running the stock OS for the phone and choose to lock themselves down.

    cashapp and venmo will also freeze your accounts almost immediately upon installation and login and, in my case with cashapp, insinuate you may be reported to law enforcement for fraud when you appeal with info about your phone lmao

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  • it’s so fucked how often they’re right to be suspicious about motives but only apply that suspicion to other industries or groups who aren’t trying to trick them, and never their own, which are. I guess the first step a cult must take is immunize people against being affected by any other outside forces, malicious or not. they’ll always implicitly trust the cult leaders who “let them in” on how their control works.

  • i was considering how to more fully reply to all this but it just seems more and more like you’re either intentionally being disingenuous or are maybe too oblivious to see that being put in the crosshair of 150+ million people’s violent, purity-obsessed, hate-driven political ideology is itself a mortal threat. i’m suspecting the prior given how clearly you muddy the analogy to insinuate that i somehow think it’s reasonable to shoot a schoolyard bully dead for pushing me on the playground, as though any sane human wouldn’t think that an overreaction.

    but sure, a public plan to eliminate the political voice of any “woke enemies” (that’s anyone LGBT or non-servile women btw) by replacing public servants with staunch ideologically-aligned republican loyalists and leave us with no options to resist except violence definitely deserves no second thought. definitely should not be considered a threat, sure, ok.

    a non-violent system of addressing political differences only works if everyone’s voice can be reasonably heard. the system is barely doing that now, and will shortly be stifling a lot more voices that aren’t ideologically aligned with nationalistic christian conservatism the moment they get the power to do so. if they’re shutting down the system that prevents violence, the result should seem obvious. violence is happening now because people are trying to use the system, and it’s failing, and it’s getting further disassembled and stacked against them right now. that alone is directly threatening - but the fact that they couple this with loud fear-mongering intended to stoke people into a fearful, hateful panic over the particular group of people (who are also simultaneously getting silenced) should worry you even more, because this circumstance is actually threatening.

    there was anti-asian violence (and worse) during ww2 when the rhetoric was “dirty japanese people are going to kill you and your family”. there was anti-muslim violence after 9/11 when the rhetoric was “dirty brown people are coming to kill you because they hate america”. there was anti-asian violence (again) during covid when the rhetoric was “dirty asian people are intentionally bringing the wuhan virus over to kill you and your family”.

    now the rhetoric is “lgbt people are coming to shoot your schools up and rape your kids” - and wow i sure wonder what will happen next. those gays better not feel threatened or it’ll ruin my peaceful sunday, right? with the planned republican loyalist capture of government and the justice system, i also sure wonder what will happen the first time some poor gay guy is stupid enough to defend himself from an “in person” (seemingly this matters to you) attack by hitting back at the american pure-blood super-straight patriot actively assaulting him. will the (gay-hating christian republican) system work to exonerate him (a disgusting gay man who probably rapes kids according to our news and politicians) before a (gay-hating christian republican) judge and a jury of his (gay-hating christian republican) peers? lol hmmmm no you’re right there’s no threat at all.

  • Do you perhaps think an eye for an eye is a good concept to live by?

    no, but nothing is so black and white. do you perhaps think that bullies should always be acquiesced to? that defending yourself from attackers is inherently and unilaterally immoral?

    i’m trying to mind my own business and live my own life peacefully. they’re the ones constantly (publicly) cheering for me and my kind to be dragged out of our homes and shot for virtue of being born either non-white or non-straight (depending on flavor of republican, maybe both).

    the reason violence is no longer acceptable as a mechanism for political change is that we built a system to address grievances without it: our representative democracy. we rose above the need by using the law to ensure everyone can be heard. Indeed the very system republicans are attempting to dismantle and replace with autocracy; they’ve already thoroughly corrupted the highest courts in our country to do so. they intend to continue to close all reasonable avenues of political resolution specifically for the purpose of being able to call any resistance to their rule “terrorism”, as you just have. this itself is an act of political violence.

    if I corner you in an alley with a gun so you have nowhere to run and tell you to give me your wallet, but I haven’t shot at you or even aimed it at you yet, does this make me non-violent? is it acceptable? would you fight back, or capitulate? how about if I then tell you to leave but not your partner? would you fight back then, or just leave them to whatever fate might befall them? be careful with your answer: if you say anything other than “I’d leave them with you and continue about my day like normal”, you will be seen as a dangerous criminal. the police won’t help you, they don’t help your kind, and you probably brought it upon yourself in their eyes.

  • i 3d printed something to cover my car’s radio display. it only functions as an aux input to my phone anyway, literally the only thing it does is output audio and have a volume knob. there’s no need to have it lit up in my car interior destroying my night vision with its tacky fake VFD-style panel backlit with 2005-cool-tier blue LEDs.

    …that was my rationale I came up with for why I made and installed it, which I would give other people who asked. in actuality, it’s because I can’t see the volume number anymore. what I don’t know won’t hurt me. I’m free.

  • experbia@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2912: Cursive Letters
    6 months ago

    Your tone is condescending as fuck, so I don’t know why I’m bothering to reply because you’ll undoubtedly just shoot insults at me too, but… I live in 2024. I work in tech, too. I almost exclusively use paper as a note taking, problem solving, and brainstorming tool. Digital tools simply don’t compare in my eye. There is an inherent freedom of immediate expression and a special mental retention value that comes with pen on paper that I have tried and failed to sufficiently replicate on a computer despite attempts of great effort. I’d definitely prefer if I could instantly backup and organize and search and sync without a scan+tag process, but it’s all inferior to me. The most capable people I work with also have a shockingly common tendency (>65%) to share this preference, too. I envy the others’ ability to work purely digitally, but do notice how they spend substantially more time and effort in “administrative overhead” with their digital knowledgebases in comparison to my analog squishy world, to just end up producing similar overall output.

  • I had kids that would do this at my school too. they’d sell them at a loss, technically - see, it was their parents money paying for it, but they would get paid cash by kids for discounted food items. it was essentially a way to launder the money your parent gave the school for your lunches into usable money, with a little bit of a loss yes, but at a big gain in versatility - for any kid, cash in hand is way better than dollar values in a school lunch system.

    but I’d much rather have this “fraud” (of the kids’ parents maybe lol) than kids go hungry.

    and this has nothing to do with the free school lunches either. those were always fixed meals given to you - not “lunch money dollars” you could choose to use as you see fit. so this is just a bunch of greedy old assholes wanting to starve some kids.

  • it makes sense to his followers, which is his intent. he wants them riled up. they don’t see this as him experiencing the consequences of his own actions, they see this as a left wing democratic deep state attack on trump to try and prevent him from winning the upcoming election. they believe this “deep state” is afraid of trump because of how he’s obviously (/s) about to win a landslide election and finally flush all the “undesirables” out of power and turn america back into the racist wifebeating paradise of the 1970s. he wants them to be thinking about “defending him” from this “deep state attack”. he’s trying to solve his massive Impending financial apocalypse by gently prodding his followers into thinking about domestic terrorism.