
Hi 🖖🏻

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 15th, 2023


  • Now your turn, what do you think? And why did you want them not to google?

    I didn’t want them to google it simply because I wanted to know what they think, many people here on Lemmy has little or no information or false information about Islam, as an exmuslim myself and someone who lives in that region, I see all kinds of false information, and what’s worse is that people will label you as a racist if you say what you just said…

    I think they mean good, they don’t know anything about a certain culture, so when someone crtisize it, they think they’re from the west like them, so they’ll abuse the report button to shut them off, but by doing so they end up empowering the same radical ideology that’s wants to replace them, it’s strange to me that they think christianity has flaws but not Islam

    about their prophet marrying a 9yo. Although I’ve witnessed controversy around her exact age amongst people in /r/DebateReligion

    Almost correct, she was 6yo when he married her and 9yo when he raped her, see:

    that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death). - Source : Sahih Boukhari : 5134

    Edit: Quran also encourages to marry underaged girls even they were babies ( because it doesn’t put any age restrictions )

  • your name-calling tells us more about you than me, I have talked to you directly and asked you to provide proof, if you think I’m wrong correct me, let’s share resources, show each other were we’re getting our arguments from, but nah… you insist on spreading misinformation while knowing nothing at all about the culture, the region and most importantly… that particular religion

    the person i’m talking to now have at least some idea of where this behavior is coming from, yet you’re so butthurt that you chase me while I try to have discussion with other people

    If there’s someone that’s pushing agenda it’s really you, and i have been veeery patient

  • your bigoted world view

    Islam is an ideology, just like christianity, just like jewism… you can critize it, sure it will hurt feelings… but it’s better than keeping people living in delusions, it affects us all

    most people if not all who jump to these conclusions about someone they just met online confuse criticizing an ideology with race and culture, to them anyone who says something critical about Eastern cultures is bigoted ( but not about christianity, the hypocrisy … but it’s not like i care ), someone can be an Arab + muslim, they can also be Athiest + Arab, you need to separate the idea from the person…

    why you’re so obsessed with one particular religion

    to correct misinformed people like you… for the most part

    you’re doing all sorts of mental gymnastics and spreading misinformation

    It’s not enough to say misinformation and just be silent, go on… show us where ?

    wondering who or what I am

    I’m treating you with the respect that you might not deserve by giving u something called “human connection”, when you talk to someone about ideologies it helps to know where they’re coming from, to not be too harsh… for example if you’re a muslim living in the west, I won’t be too direct like this, because I know how much it means to you… by default I don’t have to do that, because I know what I’m talking about

  • I don’t know why you put holy in quotation marks, it is absolutely holy for Muslims so that’s just a fact

    It is a fact… but you know what’s also a fact ? It’s not holy for the other 4199 religions, and athiests as well

    Unlike you I understand that there’s a level of complexity in such texts that only scholars can grasp who have both deep knowledge of the Arabic language and knowledge about the historic context of different passages.

    I speak Arabic fluently my guy, It’s not enough to read, all muslims read the Quran, yet they don’t understand it, they even struggle to stay awake while they do… might I add… I feel like you have fallen for the spell of these scholars which states that only someone who studied Islam can critize Islam and correct it… that’s completely nonsense

    knowledge about the historic context of different passages.

    That’s a bug not a feature, Quran prides itself by saying it’s easy to digest, the fact that you’re saying it’s complexe shows your lack of research

    I’m 100% sure that neither you nor me are capable of truly understanding the Quran

    Nor do those scholars that you speak of, I have read their books too :) , why do you think there’s so many sects and subsects in Islam, and why do you think they kill eachother ? Why do you think the companions of Mohammed killed each other ? And why do you think the Quran is so confusing in the first place ? Heck… Even those “scholars” fight amongst each other… till this day

    so I don’t know what exactly you’re trying to tell us.

    Ok I’ll be blunt … It’s violent, it orders muslims to kill non muslims ( non believers ), it’s full of scientific ethical, logical errors and fallacies… And when you cross refence it with the hadith ( the word of Mohammed ) it’s gets 100x times worse…

    It’s full of homophobia, pedophilia, sexism, racism…etc … Flat earth ? Yes

    I think you’re either a muslim, who’s playing around, or you live in the west and see a particular image of that religion, I’m sure you’re seeing the friendly image…

    My point is, don’t say fascism and point the finger at the right suspect

  • Yes, you can do that when you have to vote for the lesser evil… and compromise!.. how about NO

    what about your principles ? what about setting an example for the future generations ? what are they going to think of their ancestors who lived under and had to work with evil systems because "that’s what they had to work with"

    I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but we need to recognize these systems of control, and boycott them and I’m very glad to see more and more people waking up to the surveillance agenda and leaving Big tech… the government is also a control system, people hate to admit that because it makes them think they’re weak, but that’s not true…

  • Especially in the nordic Europe

    we look up to those nations and we say it worked for them, so it’ll work for us, but there are many factors to consider that won’t play the same for you

    and i would argue that even when it works, it’s still susceptible to failure, change of rulers, bad policies accumulate quietly, being told to do something unethical for the greater good ( e.g. taxes )

    what about other places where it didn’t work? even after years and years of trying ( voting ), what do you call doing the same thing and expecting different results ? … when you try to remove a dictator peacefully and you end up getting bombed, remember that the Syrian protests started with red roses and ended with blood… anyways I feel I’m going way off topic here… but the point is give a central authority too much power and they’ll abuse it, if not now it’ll be later… so just don’t …it’s time to move on, we can organize ourselves without selling our liberties like our right to privacy.

    btw, I thought about this, a looong time ago, when I was thinking is this system rigged? young me felt there’s a conspiracy, but now I realize it’s just how it works, it demands control

  • if you want to address the root cause of surveillance you should be demanding the government to change it’s ways ? Is that what you’re saying ?

    I don’t think it’s the lack of transparency or corruption by the government, I think that the very existence of a government ( a centralized authority ) leads to this sort of behavior, you can’t outsource your power to choose, some of your absolute liberty to a ruler and expect they won’t abuse it, you can’t have your cake and eat it with this system, a system where democracies act as Dictatorships, and sometimes they do it openly and all you can do is watch

  • It’s difficult to parse when your brain defaults to “one of these parties are unfairly maligned” - when the truth is they’re both shitty.

    Oh, glad someone said it… this is a common theme on the Internet 😭… It’s okey

    It’s a shame. Some years ago I got a lot of value from both websites, but haven’t really followed digital privacy trends lately.

    when you’re a beginner you tend to accept advice from anyone in the field, this makes sense because you don’t know which advice to trust, but once you understand the principle, you look back and just know instantly who gave you bad advice vs good advice…

    If someone tells me to use a degoogled phone and later I see they’re using an IPhone, it’s not great look… ( for them )… It’s disappointing ( just an example )

    It’s such a time sink to gauge the value of everything by yourself.

    Whatelse you can do ? Not much… accept keep on learning, I enjoy these kind of stuff, and the more I learn the more I realize the tools we use aren’t perfect and they have many flaws… in technology I learned to be careful before adopting new technologies and not just jump on the hottest thing, I have to resist the Tech enthusiast within me if I wanna satisfy the privacy advocate ( the opposition within me )

  • 乇ㄥ乇¢ㄒ尺ㄖ@infosec.pubtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlHas Techlore sold out?
    3 months ago

    I think I got confused by this Lemmy post claiming it was taken over, not “attempted”. If it was taken over, then why would they shoot themselves in the foot?

    They stole their funds, git repos, subreddit… they might as well declare it’s the end of the website even though they still hold ownership to some extent … That’s my understanding of it at least

    Privacytools seems shadier though, even if they’re claiming to be victims

    I agree

    This is all really insane. But there are people here saying that privacyguides are reputable

    It is indeed insane, at least PrivacyGuides doesn’t push for shitty products and insult his followers for not supporting him, however toxicity towards other projects ( especially GrapheneOS ) is completely allowed on their channels…

    I’m not saying we should cancel them and never speak about them again, but if you’re a fan of PG you should hold them accountable, because they can do better

    As for Techlore, 😮‍💨…I don’t think there’s hope for Henry… he went too far, he earned the title of a “privacy scammer” for me… and the sad part is that he knows it, he knows he’s in it for a quick buck not to spread the message