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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2024


  • They were used as example heuristics by Google marketing when they launched the checkbox reCaptcha. They were just simple to understand things for marketing purposes, but in reality Google checks many different signals and isn’t based on mouse movements. But people keep repeating the example from the ad.

  • Same.

    So during the test the teacher listed element names out loud with no pauses, and you were supposed to write down the symbol while she was speaking, and then another list in reverse. After the last element we had to immediately put the pens down. Whole test took ~45 seconds for 30 elements.

    This was so that it was impossible to read from the big table on the wall, you had no time to look away from the paper. You’d miss the next 3 elements by the time you looked away to find the one.

  • I’m not saying what’s “the correct play” or not, I’m refuting the claim all Chromium-based browsers are immediately affected, because I know of at least one that will keep V2 support.

    But I will keep using Vivaldi. It will take me the same time to migrate to Firefox regardless if I do it today or a year from now when Vivaldi drops V2 support. I have nothing to gain by migrating sooner, but potentially much to gain by waiting.

    • Vivaldi might decide to keep support indefinitely,
    • Vivaldi might decide to update the built-in ad blocker to use UBlock Origin tech,
    • Google might backtrack the decision (hah!),
    • a whole different browser I want to try might come out in the meantime and I’d have to migrate twice,
    • Firefox might die after losing Google funding due to the monopoly ruling.
    • I will build a new PC in a year and it will be a good time for a software refresh,
    • Or, the most likely, none of this will happen, and I will migrate to Firefox then, if that’s the best move at the time.