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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The problem they have is that communism was a real enemy of the US with examples of autocratic governments worldwide that were well known and scary to people.

    However, now that everyone can Google “what is communism” and “what is socialism” only the most incurious morons fall for the “that’s socialism!” lines of attack. Everyone else simply laughs about it.

    It really doesn’t help that Republicans are openly talking about how they want to setup and autocracy/monarchy which is exactly the scary part of former/current communist states. Nor does it help that whenever Republicans are labeling something communist, it’s loved social programs such as libraries, social security, or Medicare.

  • Clerking for a federal judge is a huge get.

    It exposes you to trail, a diversity of legal cases, and how a judge thinks. There aren’t a lot of federal judges and the people that clerk for them tend to come from prestigious schools and the top of their class.

    Of course, that can’t be great when the judge you are working for is a partisan hack who had zero court experience before becoming a judge and did not clerk for a federal judge. She was one of many Trump appointees the bar association ranked as “unqualified”.

    But she cozied up to the federalist society, which is how she got appointed.

  • Yes and no.

    Some salts are easier to work with than others. Kosher salt, in particular, is fairly hard to over season with because you can visually see just how much you’ve thrown onto a steak or such. Fine salt, on the other hand, is a lot easier to over season with.

    But then it also depends a lot on the dish. Sauces are really hard to over season. The sea of fluid can absorb a fair amount of salt before it’s noticeable. Meats are similar. A steak can have a snow covering of kosher salt and it won’t really taste super salty.

    Bread, on the other hand, will be noticeably worse if you throw in a tbs of salt instead a tsp.

    But salt wasn’t specifically what I was thinking when I wrote that. Herbal seasoning garlic, rosemary, thyme, sage, etc, generally won’t overpower a dish if you have too much of them. Especially if you aren’t working with the powdered form. (Definitely possible to over season something with garlic salt/powder).

  • I haven’t had any opportunities to actually have a discussion about it with anyone else other than online

    Consider why you made the statement that former members distance themselves and that church members just want to be friends. You haven’t actually experienced or seen that right? So what made you assume that is what is going on?

    One of the more difficult parts about being a former member is the assumptions about why we left. Obviously, everyone is unique, but rarely have I heard an active member actually say the reasons I’ve most heard from my family and friends and online that have left.

    It would be a bit like me spouting off the lies from an evangelical anti-mormon tract as if they were fact.

    To be clear, I really do appreciate that you are being open and honest here. I’m not trying to be a dick or to deconvert you. I’m mostly just pushing for understanding of people that have different views from you. After all, to the root of this conversation and why I’m so against trump, it’s that the politics he represents is ultimately that of intolerance. The best way to fight intolerance is to foster understanding.

  • Can’t stop the power sharing once you are dead.

    I’ve no clue who 2.0 will be. Could be someone not on the stage at the moment, could be someone like Jim Jordan or Matt Gaetz. There’s lots of options to be sorted out after Trump dies.

    I view it sort of like the situation with the major rightwing propagandists. When Rush Limbaugh died, that wasn’t the end of rightwing propaganda, there were already new shitheads in the rafters like Tucker Carlson that’d eaten up the space.

    With Tucker off the air, there’s now Jessie Waters (or whatever) doing his part. Before that there was bill oriely.

    Trump might not be setting up a dynasty but that’s not really what I’m concerned about, I’m concerned about him setting up fascism that’s willing to glom onto the next leader like it glomed on to him.