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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • “B-b-but he wasn’t convicted!”

    Ayo, if you want to run for office, try not to even be fucking insurrection-adjacent. Then it’s not even a question. This clown pushed the boundaries of the law until they broke, and now wants to say he should just be given a free pass. No. He could have coasted and told his supporters to go home, and blamed Biden for making lemonade poison. They would have made him even more of a golden idol. Instead, he fucked around, and now has court cases out the ass to find out with.

    What an absolute loser.

  • It’s terrible, and he’s a terrible person. But, I had concerns that this case getting decided too fast would hurt the other case trying to overturn TX’s ban. One of the arguments in the state-wide ban case was that women could go to the court and get permission for abortion as needed. That’s a horrible solution that doesn’t scale, but if this case was too quick to resolve, the court could use it for cover and not have to rule on the overall ban in TX.

    Paxton acting like such an entitled prick about this ruling might actually help both cases survive. This case will get a stronger opinion by the judge, and the other case won’t be able to just point to this case as a “see you don’t need us” scapegoat way out of actually ruling on the larger ban question state-wide.

  • There are some interesting snippets in there about what she learned about how the Dem party operates vs the Republicans from when she was part of the Jan 6th committee.

    In the Dems’ case, the reps themselves do a lot of the work - they’re actual lawyers and qualified people who can dig into the substance of an issue and go through the details in a knowledgeable way. The reps, in contrast, rely on staffers for most everything that isn’t the most basic understanding. She said that the difference between how the Dem and Rep parties operate are like night and day.

    I think the snippet is included as part of Lawrence O’Donnell’s interview with Nancy Pelosi last night, but I might be wrong. I watched a lot of Liz Cheney talking on the news last, and heard a lot of snippets from her audiobook yesterday as well, so I’m not 100% sure, but I think the source is either Lawrence or Nicole Wallace’s show.

  • Where I live, I have hills, big hills in every direction. I own both types of bike, a rad runner 6 for long, fast rides from my house, and then 20 miles up into the mountains along back roads.

    I have a road bike that I bought when I couldn’t really afford it, and paid about 1,000 for it. It’s a tomasso. It’s ok. I wish I had a trek, or a specialized hybrid road with the slightly thicker tires than the tiny ones my road bike has. I can’t really afford those.

    I use the RAD bike more for cardio, generally leave it in pedal assist 2 or 3 and just try to get a quick workout during lunch time. I take the other plain road bike out with a cycling club locally one or two nights a week. I don’t own a car, and I work from home. Biking makes me happy, but I get lazy when it’s really hot, so I ride the e-bikes more when it’s hot.

    I’m 45. It’s not as easy as 45 to build muscle back up and get superfit in a short amount of time. The e-bike helps with cardio and keeps me excited about taking a quick spin without getting totally smoked by all of the hill climbs it takes to get out of my neighborhood, much less through the foothills of the smokies and Appalachians.

  • Even if you’re going off to the side you’re on, it’s a distraction. It will draw my attention back to see if you’ve fallen, crashed, or gotten hurt. I will check my mirrors for you to see if there are additional dangers to me. I ride around bike-like objects all the time. Passing you isn’t even going to be a thing that I notice. You’ll get a “On your left, passing” from me when I’m about to go by so you know not to do any funny business in my direction. I don’t expect you to exit the lane. Heck, if you’re doing 15MPH, we might ride and bullshit with each other for a bit.