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Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • https://abcnews.go.com/US/california-blackouts-power-grid/story?id=89460998

    Literally the entire State has to walk on eggshells power wise during the summer in order to avoid a cascading failure or having controlled blackouts in order to prevent a cascading failure. And they’re proposing to add even more power demanding appliances to that grid. I’m sorry but this is a poorly thought out plan of action. Maybe if they built a couple more nuclear plants they could manage but wind and solar farms aren’t going to cut it.

    Edit: all of this on top of the fact that our climate is getting hotter year after year so even more power is going to be necessary for air conditioning in more and more areas within the state even those that don’t see such hot Summers previously will start to put a strain on the grid trying to keep cool in the summer. All of this on top of the likely dwindling supply of power from the Hoover dam due to the receding Colorado River, also due to climate change BTW.

  • That was not a complete ban. They are still allowed to construct houses with gas fixtures for gas stoves and appliances. But they are mandated to include electric fixtures for electric appliances and heating so effectively you would have to pay for the installation of both if you wanted gas.

    Though it should be noted there is a plan to pass a law in 2030 fully banning natural gas installations in new housing.

    And honestly, IMO it is quite a stupid ass move. California has massive power issues and the idea that they’re going to increase their load before they have a sufficient supply is just moronic.

  • Their jobs are going away regardless. Whether it’s now or 10 years from now the difference being that 10 years from now it’s going to be too late to do anything to stop climate change from utterly wrecking everybody’s life. Quite frankly in a lot of circles it’s considered that we are already 20 years out of date for doing anything to mitigate millions of deaths due to climate change.

  • There are other jobs. And oil drillers/rig people are the most specialized and would have the most difficulty transitioning to another career. Which is why I highlighted them. Also, the number of people who would have to look for another job in the transition from fossil fuels is insignificant in comparison to those who will die because of climate change.

  • You mean those jobs in coal mines and coal factories that are literally being lost anyway because there’s a dwindling supply and the billionaires who own those companies are finding ways to automate and kick those workers to the curb? You mean those jobs? Or are you talking about the couple hundred people who work on oil rigs? Certainly you’re not thinking of gas station attendants or the guys who haul gas across the country. Because obviously they can’t get other jobs that are comparable. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

    This is more of that stupid fucking fear-mongering about climate change policy. Jobs come and go. Industries close down, other industries open up in their place. That’s part of the nature of an economy. To say that people will be out of work because of X policy is and always has been a political fear tactic that stymies technological innovation and progress in favor of pushing old outdated shit that just happens to make a small number of people a huge amount of money.

  • Yeah this is the answer right here. The fossil fuel industry and their conservative allies (as well as far too many liberal politicians) have been feeding into a propaganda machine that has been fear-mongering climate change policies, telling the public continually that all those policies are going to do nothing but raise the price of gas or remove some convenience they have. I remember that time when Republicans were fear-mongering that the Democrats were coming after people’s gas stoves, as if that was something that was even remotely likely. It was so fucking stupid but people were like “You can’t take my stove!!!” like a bunch of dumb shits. I remember one dingus on Fox News who strapped himself to his gas stove like there was a demolition team coming to his house to take it down any minute as an idiotic publicity stunt. Literally no one but the drones who watch Fox News cared.

  • Reagan surviving an assassination attempt led to a big jump in his approval rating:

    It helped that it was a re-election and our economy was experiencing a huge upswing due to the tech boom at the time from Silicone Valley.

    Trump’s situation is very different. But couple this with Biden’s recent public, let’s say faux pas. And we do have a recipe for disaster brewing.

  • She had completely hijacked the entire democratic party and pulled an assload of shady shit while she was running in order to stay on top. And then she goes into the debates with Trump and acts like she’s some insipid Susie fucking homemaker. She even had one of her idiots feed her questions beforehand and managed to still fuck it up.

    Her big mistake IMO is in not being her bitch ass self and wrecking that fat pompous dipshit on the debate stage. I was excruciatingly disappointed when I watched those and didn’t see the dragon lady of America eating his ass for breakfast. So yeah, she lost that shit all by her self by not being herself.