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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Let’s talk about Hunter Biden’s laptop. The laptop became a focal point of political controversy in the United States during the 2020 presidential election. The story began in October 2020 when the New York Post published an article claiming to have obtained a copy of a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden. The laptop reportedly contained emails, texts, and other documents that raised questions about Hunter Biden’s business dealings, particularly in Ukraine and China.

    The laptop was allegedly left at a repair shop in Delaware, and after it was never picked up, the shop owner reportedly turned it over to the FBI and made a copy of the hard drive, which was later given to Rudy Giuliani, former President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer.

    The story sparked a massive political debate. Republicans and Trump supporters argued that the contents of the laptop suggested potential corruption involving Joe Biden. Democrats and many media outlets, however, were skeptical of the timing and the origins of the laptop story, suggesting it could be part of a disinformation campaign, possibly linked to foreign interference.

    So here’s what always bothered me about this story. Why was it left in a repair shop in Delaware and never picked up? Super secret super personal documents on a laptop without a password or any encryption is just dumped at a random repair shop and never picked up? And the owner hand delivers it to Giuliani?

    And why should we care? Biden has never had his family working in his administration like Trump did. Most Republicans can’t name a single cabinet member of the current administration but they can name Hunter and Jill so that’s who they go after. How are his alleged crimes even relevant?

    As far as Kyle Rittenhouse goes, why are you defending a kid who drove an hour to bring an automatic weapon across state lines to enthusiastically hunt down liberal protestors (in kinder words than he put it.) You’re clearly not here in good faith if you’re spreading the falsehood that what he did was in self defence or in any way defendable.

  • It takes years to plan a presidential run and the incumbent has a huge advantage. It’s infeasible to change the candidate now and would 100% split an already very polarized party. It’s a fake media controversy and the media companies are the ones causing people to feel that way by editing footage to make Biden look bad, attacking Biden’s stutter or slip up instead of Trump’s lies and gaslighting. The media is controlled by the rich and complicit in treason, but the rich never get their dues and the right is never held accountable.