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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Advertising campaigns that straight up lie (“now you’re cooking with gas” and that kind of shit) don’t help. Nor do the substantial natural gas subsidies that some states offer ng suppliers.

    Then again, it’s only been very recent that electric induction ranges in north americ have been offered at sane price points. Up until recently it wasn’t easy to find an induction range for under $1k, whereas now it’s a bit more realistic.

    People also get unreasonably attached to their cheapo $25 nonstick (even if it was marked up to $200 with some bougie brand name) and will refuse to ditch it for actual quality cookware when they find out that their $25 pan isn’t induction compatible.

  • Hmmm, I’ve never noticed what you mentioned on my recent phones. That said you should test a newer android yourself before making a purchase!

    More of my personal experience… I have a Pixel 7 XL and a work Iphone which (edit) is an Iphone 12. Generally they are the same in terms of having no scroll lag or input lag at all. But, there is some lag on both when they are overheated, especially on the Iphone if I put it on a higher power charger (I trickle charge both when I can).

    From a design perspective the biggest difference I notice is that my Pixel feels significantly smoother because of the 120hz display, and just the larger display in general. While I said neither of them have much lag, the Iphone feels noticeably less speedy. That said, I’m sure if you compared my Pixel to a high end Iphone results would be flipped. My work isn’t shelling out for whatever pro max stuff they sell (and neither would I!).

    Beyond that, I can’t offer guidance. In my personal experience the Iphone UI is so frustrating that I can’t judge which one performs “better” or not, because only the Android feels comfortable to me. Between that and the lack of labels in some places (like the pull-down settings menu) it is impossible for me to daily drive the apple.

  • 100%. Honestly after growing up borderline right-wing, self-reflection was one of my main tools for personal and political deconstruction. That and good parents. Anyway, very little stood the test of “why am I doing this, and is it what I really want” when I stopped and looked more than 3 feet in front of my own dumb face. That and realizing I’m hopelessly queer lol.

    Of course, self-reflection opens the door to a whole lot more than just politics. I get the sense that, if they started self-reflecting without guidance, the first thing they’d be scrambling for answers about would be why they believe in whatever random religion they were born into. There’s a whole lot of fervent people that are one solid reflection away from crying over a toilet on a Monday at 3AM because they’d accidentally deconstructed their faith and can’t ctrl-z the issue (not a joke, just an observation/personal experience).

  • Holy shit, I didn’t draw up the situation of travelling while married as a problem but you’re absolutely right. It’s already getting extremely tricky to figure out what places are OK or no-go for trans and NB people, this is just going to make things so much more fucking worse.

    Atlanta for example is a massive air travel hub. What if Georgia doesn’t uphold same-sex marriage? What about international travellers who are married abroad?

    JFC. These idiots.

  • Personally I am increasingly uncomfortable feeling the “need” to apologize to regressive people about feeling hurt or insulted. They are entirely responsible for their actions.

    They are also not sorry that they are pushing the majority of people (women, LGBTQ+, basically anything non-cis-white-men) into a second class or even subhuman status.

    I realize that most people are only open to changing themselves when their feelings are not threatened and when they’re feeling understood. But what we’re talking about here, I don’t know the right word, but “accidental” or “unintentional” are not part of it. If regressive leaders like trump or desantis or whoever get elected then we’re talking about borderline genocide done on purpose. I don’t see how we can come back to acknowledging the feelings of bigots at that point.

  • Republicans say the repeal will lead to Michigan becoming less attractive to businesses and will lead to forced union membership. House Republican leader Matt Hall said in statement following Whitmer’s signing that “businesses will find more competitive states for their manufacturing plants and research and development facilities.”

    Translation: Regressives want businesses to be able to abuse employees, and they’re afraid that not being able to abuse employees quite as easily will put up some reasonable guardrails on maximizing profits.

  • I agree that pi-hole is an option here, but yeah, the reality is that most daily users don’t even know what it is. At least, not yet.

    Adblock Plus and it’s betters became ubiquitous in large part because they were so incredibly easy to install. As easy as gramma accidentally installing yet another yahoo toolbar on accident. Like, too easy.

    Pi-Hole isn’t hard to install, and there are some fantastic guides to help users get it running with essentially zero prior knowledge. But in my opinion, I think until it gets closer to “push-button” easiness, pi-hole and systems like it will really be limited to the <5% of users motivated enough to go through the steps, who aren’t mortified of logging into their router’s admin page. I want us to get there faster, and we’re a hell of a lot closer than 10 or even 5 years ago. But we’re not quite there yet.


  • It’s desperately needed, and in some senses it doesn’t go far enough.

    Regressives held our state government hostage via superminority rule and actively forced us to compromise on their inhuman policies to make any progress for three straight years. Without this, only a rewrite to our state constitution’s quorum rule would prevent eternal hell regressives holding our state hostage via minority rule.

    Now, we can at least revoke these turds after they fuck us over. But in the grand scheme of things, I worry that what this law doesn’t do is prevent this new cycle from repeating. It doesn’t take many of them ruling over a few tiny, horribly misinformed districts to screw us all over. In other words, it only takes a tiny number of regressive candidates each year to accomplish that goal.

  • Apart from genuine medical reasons to know chromosomal makeup, gender doesn’t matter. Unless a bigot is looking.

    What does matter is that the US has an arcane, idiotic method of doling out IDs to it’s citizens. It is fundamentally incompetent.

    A federal ID or at least a unified standard state ID that is issued at birth or immediately upon immigration for no cost would reduce inequity and prevent people from being barred service due to ludicrous reasons such as “not having valid ID”

    And I’ll be blunt and say that while I respect an individual may not want one, the fact is that you already have one (either SS# or an equivalent) and are a know quantity with or without your consent. A fair federal or unified state standard would take bigoted tomfuckery out of the question and make things clear to individuals.

  • Spot on. Just like a lot of other things (taxes being the notable one that I can remember) an unreasonable amount of US people hate it when government does anything useful with their tax money.

    Want an ID? Fucking do it yourself, but oh btwz here’s this shitty paper that you can never share or lose or you’re fucked.

    Want to know how much tax you should pay taxes? Figure it the fuck out yourself (but then we’ll still do it for you and ruin you if you fuck up)

    Want to avoid going to jail? Be fucking telepathic and know how to do it yourself.

    It’s a pretty insane thing to tolerate and yet here we are.

  • Yeah, implementing policies like this has to be done really damn carefully to prevent unintended consequences from dragging the whole thing down. It’s also not a push-button solution to a problem; it requires persistent, long-term commitment and gradually change to get right. Tricky, especially when, at least here in the US, regressive politicians regularly get elected and scuttle policies that would eventually work if left alone.

    Anyway, yeah, just focusing on a land-value tax alone won’t solve the problem of equitable housing. It’ll have to be worked in carefully with safeguards to prevent the 1% from abusing it, that prevent public green spaces from disappearing into the concrete jungle, that ensures we have space to build and improve public transit, infrastructure , etc.

    For example, single family home zoning on large (7000+ sq ft) lots isn’t appropriate major cities. It’s reasonable to expect people to compromise away from that type of housing into smaller lots and mixed-use zoning, so that SFH’s can exist in small spaces but be surrounded by businesses and apartments. But, if a small single family home or an apartment wants to work in a small garden or share a public garden, I think those types of things should be protected and, at least if they’re public access, exempted from land use tax to a certain point.

    We of course have to be careful not to allow loopholes that enable people to exploit that and keep inappropriate amounts of land to themselves without paying dearly for it. But we also need provisions for that kind of land use to exist without it being so expensive that only the wealthy have it, or that horrific things like HOAs are the only ones able to afford them.

    It’s a mess. I’m glad though that they’re trying it out. Just putting the idea off because it’s hard will keep things worse forever.