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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Trump has an uncanny ability to secure bank loans though

    Not after 2020 anymore because:

    President Donald Trump’s lenders have forgiven around $287 million in debt that he didn’t pay back, and most of it was related to Chicago’s Trump Tower, according to a New York Times report

    I am sure Deutsche Bank is not going to give him another Cent and any other bank will go and count stairs, because he is lying about everything, even about how many floors his buildings have. The times it was easy for him are over.

    On top of the 83 million he has a huge amount to pay to his lawyers and since he is not accepting the outcome of the trial and he has another 14 or so going on… and taking money out of his election funds is now also harder to do and getting elected is more expensive because Koch is helping his opponent and Koch has a truly endless warchest.

    Every financial transaction he does is under a looking glas now, no more face value and trust, he is seen as the financial sector should have seen him in the past: A naked “king” that pretends to wear nice clothes.

  • Plants vs Zombies on PC.

    Great, unique, iconic, still fun to play. Its biggest achievement: I have brought a lot of people into the hobby by making them play this as their first video game and there wasn’t a single one not having fun. Tower defense is as a whole an underrated genre if we talk about the best games of all time. It also is a game that offers achievements that add a lot to the gameplay by challenging you to change your tactics.

    They of course had to make the second one mobile only and on top ruin it with microtransactions. :( Greed is why we can’t have nice things.

  • More than 500 people were sent to hospital after the incident … 423 people have been discharged from hospital … 25 in serious condition

    What is stupid is the headline, why not “500+ injured in subway crash” instead of using the number of one kind of injury. As stupid as writing “two people lost a tooth in subway crash”. Still one of the seriously injured could die, but of course I wish everyone a speedy recovery, from injuries but also from the shock of the accident.

  • The biggest damage for Trump is that he will never be able to do it again. No banker in the world will accept him or anyone close to him telling them “it’s a 15-storey building” without sending someone over and counting the stairs, they will even start counting the holes on Trump’s golf courses. This means that he will no longer be able to get cheap loans or cheat on his taxes.

    The banks may stay put, because otherwise their shareholders might ask why they did not get someone to count the floors in the first place, instead of believing a notorious liar. They will probably take the smaller losses and hope that Trump is still willing /stays capable to pay back some of the loans.

  • A large dyke is being constructed to divert potential lava flows around the plant

    Lava, like water, prefers to go the easy route. You do not build a wall to stop it face to face, but offer a more easy route right and left of your “wall”, so the force of the lava is halved AND it will likely take the more easy routes and not bother to try and crawl over your construct.

    A wall directly in its path only makes sense when you are already somewhat far away from the volcano, so the lava is very slow and not as hot as in the beginning anymore and then it is rather a pile of earth piled against a smaller part of the stream of lava for days again and again and not a real static wall. A video for that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWbQOqaOxjg The scale of this … kudos to people who can live near a volcano, I am way to scared for that.

  • “the absence of a code has led in recent years to the misunderstanding that the justices of this court, unlike all other jurists in this country, regard themselves as unrestricted by any ethics rules."

    Who has misunderstood this? Oh, the justices of the Supreme Court themselves did. Good they remind themselves now, that they are restricted by ethics rules. Sad that they had to be reminded of it. Even more sad, that they can’t specify the ethics rules, because if they would they immediately would call out the ones who did clearly not follow them. That also does not speak for them, because it means the ones who did not follow ethics rules in fact are still unrestricted by them.

    This is worse than ignoring the problem. It is admitting that they were and are the problem and admitting they were and are unwilling to do something against it. Well done. This will be teaching material for everyone in the justice system for years to come.

  • That’s why the kid was distressed and the relationship with the father went south, because he said “no” and tried to help his child. That’s the point when kids start to sell their belongings to school mates, steal from parents purses or take their credit cards or spent all money they make with a job on the game and even when they have no money to spent, their minds are in the game all the time and family life is 99% fighting about screen time.

    This is not solely about parents not restricting money, this is game developers and publishers hiring psychologists to find ways to make their games as addictive as possible vs. normal people and their children, a multi billion industry vs. ordinary customers. To blame this solely on parents is just wrong.

    They probably allowed the kid a decent amount of screen time and some money to spent, like normal parents do. That their kid got pulled into an addiction by an industry that does everything possible to make that happen did happen over time, hard to notice until it is already a problem.

    Most people blaming only the parents do not have children and have watched their child cry for days because it can’t have the skin “all the other kids have” and therefore gets bullied in school. All these games on purpose work with group pressure on top of addictive game and loot mechanics. They prey especially on neurodiverse children and adults, FOMO and more.