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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • In a technical sense, a consumer VPN service is really more of an encrypted proxy than anything else. It tries to obfuscate what network traffic and activity you’re actually participating in by both appearing as the endpoint for your connection, and the destination for the connection of the sites you visit and internet services you use.

    A true VPN does more than that, allowing multiple computers that are not sharing a router to communicate with each other as if they are. For context, certain IP addresses are local-only, such as any IP starting with 192.168.x.x. This means that when you access the broader internet, your IP is different than the one used when you try to use your WiFi printer on your same network. They’re both your addresses, you have them at the same time, but one is really the address of your whole network while the other is the address of your computer in that network. Think “building street address” and “office number in that building”

    For businesses and other organizations, a VPN is a useful way to allow users to connect using these local-only addresses without physically being connected to the network those local addresses are valid in. You don’t have to expose the printer to the Internet, you just need to expose the VPN service to the Internet, and then allow VPN users to connect to the network when they need to use the printer

  • I think I know what you mean. It’s like the Internet has allowed us to share how fucked up each and every corner of the world is and it aggregates the worst of it and puts it on full display. So now I can’t really feel anything when I see headlines as awful as this, I just turn into an unfeeling psychopath. Luckily my moral brain and my feeling brain are different, and the moral brain still wants to do something about this injustice, however I can.

  • While true that the term originates from Japanese, it’s important to note that emoji is a loanword that has been adapted into english by changing its pronunciation subtly, and replacing its spelling with a phonetically similar one in an alphabet not used in Japanese.

    This is similar to when words and phrases are used without much adaptation in the middle of sentences that are otherwise in a different language. There’s a certain je ne sais quoi about English and how it mixes loanwords (such as “calque”), calques (such as “loanword”, where individual parts of the word are translated then recombined) and entire unchanged terms (such as “je ne sais quoi”) freely, and to varying degrees depending on where you are and who you talk to.

  • I agree that right now we’re facing both at the same time, but either one in isolation would still be a huge problem.

    Inflation at the current (reported) rate of ~3-4% is healthy for almost any economy, since it promotes spending your money on high quality, long lasting goods, or investing your money to promote growth of businesses. A little depreciation of money each year dissuades people from sitting on their cash. Even without a stock market and capitalism, inflation is an incentive for people to put their long term savings into government savings bonds, which allows for more public development today without more taxes.

    BUT if inflation is too high, (even with wages increasing at the same rate, which never happens) it’s extremely difficult for people to save cash to make large purchases. Any economy that uses money needs for people to be able to afford to wait a while with their money before deciding what to do with it, otherwise people are forced to settle for lower quality goods or whatever investment opportunities are available on short notice. Less time to make wise choices with money means less productive use of that money, meaning a less productive economy overall. Not what we want.

    And of course, if wages don’t keep up with inflation, either because inflation is running away or because your government has refused to increase the minimum wage at all since 2009 when the national currency was worth 1.47 times as much as it is today, 15 years later (cough cough), then obviously you’re going to run into some problems with people’s ability to afford things.

    That said, I think some shady manipulation to the consumer price index is going on to make the reported inflation figures look a lot lower than the actual increase in cost of living that the majority of people are facing. The biggest offender is housing costs skyrocketing in the past decade, but not uniformly across the US. The result is that areas where this hasn’t been nearly as big of an issue falsely “balance out” critical problem areas, where people are practically being forced to either relocate or become homeless due to how rapidly housing prices have gone up.

    There’s just so many different things that need to go right for an economy to be prosperous for everyone who contributes to it, and right now the people in charge of steering that economy are getting kickbacks from the people who stand to benefit the most from taking it off the rails.

  • Wilzax@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzYouTube Binges
    1 month ago

    That’s why, with any potentially lucrative hobby where success is based mostly on luck, you should only do it for fun while you save enough money to try it out for a month or two to see how you like it as a job. But you shouldn’t quit your day job until you have some GOOD evidence that you’re not going to be dirt poor if you pivot to doing your hobby full-time. You need a good following and a GREAT safety net before you make the jump.

  • Well that’s also true with 2 colors if the bros just make a checkerboard pattern.

    What you mean is that an arbitrary number of bros could section the pool into any arbitrary collection of shapes and with only those 4 ball colors you could guarantee there’s a way to fill the sections where each bro-bordered segment has a different color on either side.