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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Well, I never really thought about it until now either. Haha. Though, it was mostly a choice of apathy, since when I’m dead I won’t really care what someone does with them, I only really get to pretend that I will while I’m alive today.

    If they’re not charging for my organs that get donated, then that’s pretty cool. I mean, I was given mine for free, so it only makes sense to give them for free when I’m done with them.

    Of course, I live in the middle of nowhere, so whether they’ll find someone who can use my stuff before it goes bad is a whole different thing entirely.

    It’s good that you were able to find some lungs.

  • Like I said in my comment, I’ve met very few undocumented immigrants. And realistically, if they can perform a job as a normal person, and pay taxes like a normal person, then even if I have met more, I likely never knew, because why would you go around telling folks about your situation in that case. That’d be a good way to blow your cover. And it’s not like I’m going to ask about their experience immigrating, since that’s not really a subject that’s appropriate to approach with people you don’t know.

    I live in the middle of nowhere, so my experience is likely vastly different from all y’all’s. So it’s nice to hear your perspectives. Thanks for sharing.

  • Dang bro, you’re right. I mistakenly assumed the article was over at the section where they presented me with other articles to read, since it didn’t make sense for them to show me that if the article I was reading continued. So from my perspective the article was basically “They pay taxes, we promise.”. They even used language that seemed to close out the article to me before that section by saying “More importantly, the claims about taxes, housing costs and immunizations are false.” and not elaborating further.

    I wouldn’t have even made my first comment had I seen the section below, since they answered exactly the questions I was asking. Haha. I was about to roll in here and ask if we had even looked at the same article, before I gave it a second look. I guess in the end, we hadn’t.

    This whole ITIN thing is interesting, I’ve seen the fields for it in the past, but never really thought about it too much since I always assumed it was for people who are in like… a transitional period of their immigration of sorts, not for fellas who aren’t supposed to be working. The article that the article linked about ITINs makes it sound like you can even get your tax return with it. That’s crazy, but it makes sense.

  • You’re assuming they receive paychecks at all, though. All undocumented immigrants I’ve known the situations of in my time (which is very few mind you, so it’s possible that this is not the norm) got paid in cash for the work they did, instead of getting a check. And I find it unlikely that the business or person paying them in cash under the table would have gone and paid their income tax for them and announced “These are the taxes the illegal immigrants I hire are paying!” and I even more doubt that the folks who received the funds paid their income tax on their own, since their employers were already playing on their fears of being discovered by the government to pay them lower wages than the market would normally accept (I want to say it was below the federal minimum at the time).

    While I agree that we should totally be getting more taxes from rich folks. It’s not really relevant to the current discussion about the taxes paid by undocumented immigrants. That said, I’m not super concerned about undocumented immigrants paying income tax, since it’s really the fellas who employ them that are the problem. I was only mentioning it because I was curious as to how true what that article was saying really was, since it did not match my experiences.

  • I’m having a hard time believing that undocumented immigrants pay all their taxes. You can say they pay some for sure, since there’s no way they don’t pay sales tax and such. Wouldn’t undocumented immigrants not have to pay the largest tax most folks have to pay, though, since they likely wouldn’t be paying income tax? I suppose if they once held a work visa or whatever, and had it expire, and they never relocated or changed jobs somehow, they’d still be paying their income tax, but I feel like that’d be rare, unless workplaces have no idea when your visa expires, and isn’t required to fire you when they find out.

    I wish that article wasn’t about some random twitter post, and had more information in it. Maybe then they would have explained this. I would have assumed the tweet was BS the moment they said those folks don’t have to pay rent. Like… where did the person who believed that tweet think those fellas lived?

  • I don’t think I’ve ever heard of one, and I’m not sure if it’d be profitable. I mean, a lot of elements of theme parks are designed to extract money from parents, and only work because they are there with a child.

    How would the adult theme park make money? Expensive entry tickets maybe? We would want to avoid alcohol because we don’t want people acting without inhibitions near all this heavy machinery, plus it’d make cleaning more expensive, and might cause more vandalism. I guess you could not allow re-entry once they leave, to force them to eat inside the park. But that’s about all I can see happening. You could put a nice sit down dining place inside the park though too, because the audience would be more into that sort of thing.

    How about the decor, what kinds of thing even appeal to adults? This one is tough. Maybe a western, or dystopian future theme? That could be cool.

  • Make note about what? This is a good thing. They went through the efforts to acquire the rights for the training data, and people might have even been paid for the original work.

    It’s not like this stops someone from paying artists or photographers to make art or photos for their training data, or creating some sort of group where contributors actively give the rights to their own artwork or photos for a model, like some sort of open source project kind of thing, people love that kind of stuff! You’re just acting like this is some awful thing, when it’s completely fine, and the way it should be.