• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • The view is anyone that can’t get sex is worthless. It’s a harsh truth that people don’t like to admit.

    People love to use the fact that people aren’t get sex against them.

    The whole treatment of incels seems hypocritical to me tbh. Like they make some good points. But society can’t accept nuance, they can’t accept that someone that don’t like might be right about something’s.

  • You need to drink your way to weight gain.

    Try 4 meals a day if you can but get some big calorie drinks in you.

    Stop looking at the weight in the gym and start looking at the weight on the scales.

    But I’m (athletic) skinny and punched out of my weight loads. How? I don’t fucking know. Think girls are just really comfortable around me and for some that works, usually the cute quiet ones. Or sometimes I been blackout drunk and magic happens.

    Edit: Just get really drunk and lower your standards. I’ve done that too.

  • Yes.

    UK plug is best in the world. Has three prongs so earth is always there. Also it pushes the protectors out if the way to open up the live socket so nothing can be incorrectly put in there. It’s solid and won’t fall out, you could hang a child off of that. Every plug has a fuse to protects the house and helps prevent fires. Live and neutral are partially covered in plastic so nothing can touch it when it is half in and the circuit is live.

    EU plug is way sturdier that the shitty American’s plug. American plug looks like it is designed to fall out the EU plug stays in.

    The aus plug is with weakest of the three because it is so similar to the american but at least it is tilted in a logical manner to stop a fucking plug falling out of the wall.

    All three are based on a decent electrical supply so electrical items actually work

  • It seems sad to you because you are unable to find fun without alcohol, that seems sad to me.

    Well I didn’t say that. I even did some of the things you used as examples while we have been talking.

    using them as the absolute reference of what is good, is absurd.

    Didn’t do that either.

    Losing a good thing is bad. Alcohol is not one. Main cause of car deaths, one of the biggest avoidable sources of cancer, famously linked with rape and violent behaviour,

    Look your not cool enough to enjoy alcohol I get it. But I never said any of those things are good. Driving is driving, rape is rape.

    And without people thinking of the “good old times” constantly, alcohol would have long be recognised as what it is: a dangerous drug with no real benefit. And scientifically it is recognised as such.

    There are current good times with alcohol. Just a the culture from the good old times has gone. But it was good then and what’s good now is still too.

    I would love to see some some scientific proof there is “no real benefit” to alcohol because I bet my life a lot of people found great friends and partners though alcohol, never mind the fun and culture previously mentioned aspects.

    Look no one is forcing you to drink. Chill out man. You can go be boring somewhere else.

  • While reading or a puzzle, painting, watching a movie can be fun. The fact thats your idea if fun seems a little sad. Going for a walk comes with risk.

    You’re just completely on about things that aren’t about having fun while drinking so thats a completely worthless comment.

    And also, I would add that comparing with “old times” is absurd considering how times change. I do hope that we can have higher standards than the previous generations.

    Haha again what another worthless comment. “Comparing things is absurd.” Jesus. I don’t see how you think that is a smart thing to say.

    Times change yes. They can change for the better or for the worse. Comparing things is a good thing. The future is not fixed it can change in many many different ways.

    I feel like you are just making different arguments. Other things other than drinking can be fun. But losing a good thing is bad. Gaining a bad thing is bad.

    People read books in the past they still do now, provably less actually. But that’s irrelevant to drinking.