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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Well it comes down to 2 problems though.

    First and most obvious hitting that critical mass… before you hit it, everything is hell, you are stuck with BS laws, and you can’t do anything about it. Your vote is worthless.

    In my town this november there was one ballot issue… in short, it was summarized as "put a million dollars towards schools, build a new school on an unused empty lot owned by the school system, build a new sports field for one of the schools). Digging deeper that would be paid for by a proporty tax that would cost… up to 100 a year for people making over 150k.

    So… the whole town was plastered in “vote no” signs, when I went to the polling place a guy outside asked me to “strongly consider voting no”. I was one of the 17% that voted yes.

    So that basically tells me… demographically we need an insane change for the politics of this area to be less stupid, and that’s before factoring in that not only does it involve a HUGE change to reach 51%… but realistically we need more like 65-70% to counteract the inevitable gerymandering that will happen if we ever get anywhere close. I will be staying here, and I’d be happy to encourage all my progressive friends to stay and/or move here. But when it comes down to it, I’d be shocked if there is a swing in the next 50 years, and I certainly wouldn’t encourage anyone in a group that is likely to be directly oppressed to move here.

  • Umm… pirating windows is your recomended solution?

    Look don’t get me wrong I could say it’s if anything more cost effective for simply the dev’s to say “OK anyone who has more than 1 hour of linux play time prior to this date qualifies for a refund”.

    Of which, most likely is a handful of people so easy work.

    Screw privacy sensitivity that’s a moot point. Installing windows isn’t a minor tweak to a computer .First of all the suggested method is technically breaking the law. Secondly you are talking minimum adding in a windows partition, so an extra 50 GB storage on top of the amount the game takes. Comprimizes to the boot loader on the system, in which there’s a high chance of messing up an existing install.

  • The "as moderate of a democrat as one can be and still have a chance of winning. That’s the part that always drives me crazy and wonders what would happen if we ran say a full on AoC/Sanders democrat in some of those areas. IE they are working to appeal to the people that won’t vote for them under any circumstance, a Manchin couldn’t win because putting a D next to the name is an automatic loss for the majority of voters.

    The key there IMO is the only way to win is to actually inspire the people that don’t vote to come out. The people that are not even slightly impressed with the republicans. Maybe there aren’t any there, or maybe there are tons that just haven’t had a candidate to vote for.

    Now as far as supporting the less crazy than MTG, honestly I don’t see a good reason to. Would you rather a composed polite person vote to gut healthcare, or a total psycho that embarases everyone to vote to gut healthcare. At the end of the day her policies are the same as most moderate republicans, with the exception of getting on the news and saying the quiet parts of the plan on speaker. IMO if the seat is going to vote against anything we want, and for everything we don’t want no matter what… then just ignore it and focus on winning seats that will. There’s 434 other places to focus our attention on,

  • I mean looks isn’t even really the thing, The main 2 things are default programs, and the package managers. IE arch based are good if you want the bare minimum, and for most packages to be the bleeding edge. Buntu based if you want the default packages to be more stable versions (at the drawback of not always getting the latest without setting up a repository).

    Basically it’s the installers and configuration tools that are the main differences. You are right that on a practical level if you ask me to make an arch system look like a debian or ubuntu system that’s set up the way you like it, I could almost certainly make it barely distinguishable.

  • Yeah funniest thing to me was when body cams were starting out… I heard people say “Would you ever imagine being on camera during your work day?”, hell have you ever looked at the camera feeds from a gas station or grocery store, you’ll notice that the cameras have a much higher focus on watching the staff rather then focusing on getting a good view of robbers or shoplifters, Almost every job has you either on camera most of the time. If you aren’t you most likely are in a setup where the boss walks past you regularly.

  • I kind of see it as Lincoln was almost a modern day centrist democrat. Basically there was an abolition plan… that was going to take a very long time. IE rather than going with abolishing slavery, the plan was that no new states would become slave states, and overtime the non slave country would have the votes to abolish slavery. Kind of reminds me a lot of say healthcare goes on today.

    and just like modern day republicans… the confederate states made it clear they’d rather burn down the country than accept a slow change from the status quo.

  • It would be kind of interesting to see if there’s a ratio of evil characters to their actors doing crimes. I mean the most obvious that comes to mind is Kevin spacey. Though it doesn’t seem to be higher rates for celebs that play evil characters vs ones that play lovable good characters. Least most don’t consider Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson to have played particularly evil characters. So I’d say in general money and fame cause an increase in likelyness of being evil, the on screen persona doesn’t seem to be a huge contributing factor.

  • Well there’s both sides, I mean while in theory it’s just the free market making a stopgap for the weakpoints in medicare to buy time for them to be fixed. The reality is we already know what happens when corporations get their hands on something that shouldn’t be free market. They rack up killer profits, and use those profits to buy congressmen and judges, and before long not only is congress not going to move forward to stregnthen medicare to cover those holes… but in fact create new ones to make sure that medicare becomes even less valuable without one of these plans.