Just a rabbit who enjoys AI art, veganism, knitting and some other stuff. I’d like to join Starfleet one day.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I watched it yesterday and had a similar reaction. There’s really good animation and the story was really good to get more depth for hey character. There were also some interesting call backs. Spoilers below!

    Samson still had his powers so we got to see those in action. Also the green phasing person was a man, in the invincible series it’s a woman so I wonder what happened there? The people in tubes reminded me of robot too, I wonder if we’re going to get more of the others origin stories as well? Monster girl would be cool to see how she got cursed like that

  • The current status is that he’s really active on lemmy still and will sometimes pop in on these type of posts and answer your questions.

    He did do a follow up about how to take a poop when you haven’t for three days lol. So he clearly had trouble getting started again but I think he’s well now.

  • Hey there’s another long pasta on here that has some true stuff and some untrue stuff.

    If you want to go for it then I think you should. Another poster uses a safety razor and that’s what I used to do too. Plenty of shave cream or I sometimes got one of those ones you can use in the shower, I think they’re designed and sold as ladies leg razors.

    Always use plenty of moisturiser after shaving with a razor. It will itch a bit at as it grows back in, try not to scratch though as you’ll irritate the skin and maybe get pimples.

    You can also use a clipper, this won’t go as close so you won’t have the itch growing back and moisturising won’t be as vital. Be careful though as they can be sharp and you can catch yourself (I mean this goes for all sharp things near your bits). You’ll have like really short stubble to begin with this way which can be easier to manage and also means you still have that bit of friction. If you’re clean shaven and moisturised you will be very smooth.

    The pasta talks about having a stinky ass after shaving and being all shitty. I never had this issue because I just cleaned myself properly after going to the loo, don’t let that scare you just clean up properly.

  • Thanks for your reply, it seems like there are still some parts of it that have relevance which is interesting to hear.

    Yeah I don’t believe the author claims it’s universal experience, more like some strong trends they’ve noticed working with their clients. I see it myself in a lot of gay men that I’ve known as well with pride and brittle egos. But again it’s not universal.

    That’s an interesting point about the inherent bias in there. His clients are defintely going to be from a very specific demographic, I don’t fall into that and neither do most people I know who’ve read it and we’ve all got something from it.

    Good to know that there’s still some relevance!