Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • He see’s it as just the world we live in, because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects. Those are the women that approach him, so that’s the experience he has with women. Women who only want him for his money.

    …and what world are you living in that these women are approaching him at all? He had to get a financial arrangement to buy a marriage with Melania, a person who won’t fucking touch him, and slaps away his hand when he tries to touch her. He had to pay a shitload of money to have a chance with Stormy Daniels, same with Karen McDougal, and he paid even more money to try to cover up that he did.

    Trump is a rapist and the way he treats women is the way of a rapist. You’re fucking deluding yourself if you think lots of attractive women have approached Donald Trump. Nearly every woman he has ever touched he has paid for the pleasure of doing so. Even when he has “grabbed women by the pussy” he pays through lawsuits. He just thinks that’s the cost of being a gross rapist.

    Literally the only woman I can think of off the top of my head who we have proof who has moved on Trump is Laura fucking Loomer who isn’t exactly a beautiful woman, my dude.

    I can’t believe a bogus post arguing that Trump is more of a ladies man than a rapist has so many upvotes.

  • So much yes on the typing, The number of young people who don’t even own a laptop and do all homework/correspondence on their phone is too damn high. (Which coincidentally, is tied to how they don’t understand file systems/path)

    That’s not to shun the use of phones or that form factor, and maybe this is just the old fogey in me, but phone interfaces are so limited and you have to jump through so many hoops to do what amount to keyboard shortcuts on a PC. (Yes I know some young people can be quite quick and accurate with them… thus old fogey)

    It’s rather more about how long it ends up taking them because they’re shunning a device that is aimed at streamlining such processes, instead of a device that is aimed at being a phone, with a computer slapped on for funsies.

  • hand out USB drives/cheap SSDs

    learning some “real” programming

    1. Handing out drives has to go hand-in-hand with education about how “you shouldn’t just plug in any drive that someone hands you or you find on the street.” That’s basic security consciousness at this point. You might point them towards the Open Source schematics for this USB Firewall: https://globotron.nz/products/usg-v1-0-hardware-usb-firewall

    2. Don’t start with “real” programming. Start with scripting. A place where you can get the feel of the ideas of programming while starting somewhere more basic. Linux scripting and Powershell scripting are both good places to start. You still get programming fundamentals (what is a loop, what’s an if-else statement, etc) without jumping into confusing versioning or where to get updates (should I let Windows update Python, or do I want to update it with pip? You have to choose one or things get fucky with them overwriting each other).

    3. When I mean more basic I mean literally things like SYNTAX and PATH are way more important for students to be understanding before they start programming. Syntax and path (relative and absolute), in my opinion, are easier to learn when you’re learning them on the OS you’re using. That means “real programming” is obfuscating things like syntax and path, and students need to understand these core concepts before they move on to "real programming.* EDIT: Like seriously, students need to understand what the fuck a delimiter is and why it is!

  • I don’t know, that mindset is so foreign to me. If someone was overestimating how long it would take because they were simply trying to be conservative and not run into unexpected cost overruns, I would commend them. I’ve always considered it more prudent to expect something to take longer so you know the kind of budget you need up front instead of lying to yourself about it. It costs a lot more (in terms of lost time and productivity) to have to swing a new budget mid-project because it turns out you’ve burned through the planned budget and you’re only 2/3 the way done with the project.

    So, screw your manager, you’re doing the right thing, in my eyes. I guess that’s why I’m not in charge of anything.