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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I go one step further, when I make a ticket I list all the things I’ve tried first up so they don’t have to waste a lot of time with investigation and pulling info out of me. Also helps if you do step by steps to help reproduce a problem but that can be harder when crunched for time and they just never get to the ticket that fast anyways.

  • Well you certainly don’t that applies for everyone. And for all I know you, you could be super negative, project the worst scenarios only and/or you could be the problem in all your relationships and this is the excuse you landed on for maintaining a delusion.

    You could be lying about having a wife just so you can ‘win’ an argument online with a total stranger online.

    Not a far reach considering your response here.

  • -Life is too short for bad coffee, bad wine, bad shoes and bad people.

    -spend the required money in a good bed and a good chair. When it comes down to it later, it is not negotiable for your back.

    -you will have to have a lawyer involved sometimes such as drafting up a will. It’s worth it. Also: do your will and sort out your stuff even if you haven’t been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

    -clean like you’re moving house once a year. Cut down on the hoarding.

    -‘no’ Is a complete sentence.

    -sometimes acceptance of a situation is what it is is the only closure you’re ever going to get.

    -acknowledge your stuff <—//—> other people’s stuff. Others might not work on their own stuff but they aren’t your job.

    -resentment isn’t always something someone gives you nor is it the reality of the situation. Sometimes a person invites it along. Eg: assuming such things as someone being late to dinner is a personalized slight to your energy and time.

    -try not to confuse misunderstanding with malice.

    -remember the good ones. It’s so easy to just count the nasty people in your life and have them as your comparison for things. Spending your energy this way overlooks all the good people in your life and that’s not fair to them and the effort they put in with you.

  • Reproduction is not nor has it ever been proven as a core mission of life and shouldn’t exist in that list. It has nothing to do with your core basis of life. It’s only to continue a life line or a cell decision reliant on environment. But it is not a core requirement in life.

    It may be continuing a line but it is not proven as a core ‘mission’ of anything. It’s a bias decision and much of that relies on environment in which the cell lives in. It’s as much a ‘core mission’ as the effort of immortality should an environmental condition not be met. Some species continue their strain of life by cloning and some if even just one has achieved immortality and has no necessary core mission to reproduce.

  • I’ve had pedestrians try to wave me to turn. It is as if they think are the only people on the road I have to consider. One got outright angry at me for not taking his gift with gratitude…there he was yelling at me, nearly being mowed down by a truck coming from an oncoming lane at a 3 way stop. And it still didn’t register to him the danger it would have been to himself and to me and the oncoming truck.

    I like the idea of calling them would-be assassins even though assumes the general public are a whole lot smarter than they actually are.

  • I don’t hate people who are vegans.

    I do hate the person who righteously yelled at me about eating meat while I was eating her vegan food at her house which she invited me to. And then proceeded to send me Facebook farm videos that were obviously staged. I worked on a farm… so when I corrected her what actually does happen on a farm Vs what these idiots were staging to get reactions, it was even more disgusting to me that she wasn’t doing any of this for the animals as she claimed but doing it so she could feel important. So she can fuck right off up a mountain.

    So no:I don’t hate people who are vegans. I hate self involved, insincere shitheads.

    That said yeah, we need to address commercial farming. It’s an issue. We need to cut down the meat products that are getting produced and stop creating diets that get capitalists richer. But also we need to be honest with what is actually happening. No, they do not give hormones to animals on farms. That practice was discontinued prior to the 1990s. We need to out assholes who spread this bullshit online, dampening the real issues as to why introducing more plant based food is necessary. We also have to keep plant based food healthy and not just inject it with sugar ,salt and fat creating the same health issues we had with consuming commercialized meat.

    Also I think this is why vegan is a ruined word and why ‘plant-based’ is now becoming a substitute. To replace this damage that many of the self called vegans did that were just as much lying and cheating as the industry they so much hate. two wrongs do not make a right. So I’m all about the pivot away from that dumpster fire