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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Mass killings don’t only happen in the US. The middle east they use bombs, missiles, and guns. If someone wants to accomplish something they will find a means. Guns are just a tool like any other thing. You can harm just as many people with a nail gun, a knife, a bomb, acid, or fire. Anything can be a weapon in the wrong hands.

    I do believe there are definitely people who shouldn’t have a gun but they are typically mentally unstable.

    As for assault rifles. I believe that only prior military should be able to poses them since they more than likely have had extensive safety training.

    Edit: I also believe that instead of glorifying mass shootings we should mock and demean the person. Too many people have it in their head that they will go down in history for such and act.

  • I try to keep my perspective unbiased which is difficult because I am human after all. When conversing with someone that brings up interesting perspectives and does not devolve to name calling I try to speak with them further because those are the ones who’s reasoning skills tend to be more developed and make for better conversations over all.

    From how I understood what you were saying, there is a reactionary brainwashing of sorts. Perhaps I was incorrect in my belief that you meant of minorities specifically. I may have read it incorrectly.