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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • And it gets worse than that - my partner is an admin at a high school, and the cyber bullying, filming of fights, and the viral TikTok trends that make students just do overall dumb shit at school is insane. Not to mention the students who have IG pics posing with guns that have a vaguely threatening caption. The teachers and admins have to try and monitor all that, if they can. Luckily a lot of the students who see it first do notify someone. It’s just a whole new world. So glad I didn’t have to deal with that shit when I was in school.

  • There are 9-10 billion people on this planet.

    Among those people, you have countless personal preference based on everything from what they expect to what makes them comfortable based on past experience.

    There are also 10% or so with ADHD and other things, changing it up even more.

    So run all of that through a computer showing you a majority of the likely outcomes, and there you go. There’s no way that your style, your choice of content, your presentation, how you present the material, etc, will please everyone because it’s impossible to do.

  • I’m sorry, OP. I come from a family like this and the best decision I made was to go away for University and make friends whose views and values aligned better with mine.

    Same thing when I found a job. I “made” my own (non-biological) family, if that makes sense. I see my blood relatives at holidays and other events, say the required hellos and goodbyes, and leave when I’m ready.

    I don’t have time for that shit. And I know it’s hard to see people you love behave this way, but you obviously turned out differently and that means that you can do better…and maybe even inspire some of the younger folks in your family in the process.

  • It goes both ways. Not all racists have the legitimate ignorance excuse - many just want a convenient excuse to have an “other” to blame their problems on so that they don’t have to take responsibility for their own failures in life.

    In a way littering is similar - some folks just don’t give a fuck, others were raised not to think twice about it and so they don’t. The second group can probably be educated though.

    There are ignorant people in every group who can be reasoned with and realize they’re wrong, and change.

    And there are malicious dickheads who just don’t give a fuck who their destructive behavior hurts in the process and will continue on their path to watch the world burn.

    The issues themselves aren’t always the main qualifier.

  • Just to clear up any confusion - you can understand violence and racism, but not littering?

    And if I do understand correctly, maybe it’s because that’s how their parents were, so they honestly just don’t think about it. My parents were the complete opposite so I abhor it, but I’ve known folks who don’t think twice. We’re still friends, I just try to gently remind them.

    I do not have any racist or violent actual friends friends though. Like, I don’t actively pursue their company.