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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2022


  • It’s a state enforcing a particular administrative jurisdiction.

    It’s state banning religious organization no matter how many rounds of mental gymnastic you do

    These are all Orthodox churches, literally the same denomination. The Ukrainian church declared its autocephaly so that it is not administratively dependent on the Moscow Patriarchate and that was recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and others (eg the Church of Greece, the Patriarchate of Alexandria).

    This has nothing to do with the matter

    What this move does is Ukraine mandating that churches within its boundaries adhere to the autocephaly. It’s not banning anything, just returning canonical ownership of the physical infrastructure to the canonical administration.

    Gold medal at mental gymnastic. This is just setting up state supported religion and opressing those not adhering to it.

    This makes sense in the context of a war of national liberation, when the enemy is literally in a position to do propaganda by controlling those churches.

    Finally you say something with substance, unfortunately for you this substance jut offer a more or less valid reason for state opression, not making the opression disappear.

    Ultimately, this is more like confiscating Russian assets than restricting religious freedom.

    Oh damn, so having anything at all to do with Russia now justifies literally everything

    From the point of view of a believer, the only observed difference will be which particular patriarch is mentioned during mass, nothing else changes dogmatically.

    Sure, it’s only religion, known as least important and trivial issue ever. Read yourself again what you just wrote here.

    and these are all internally orthodox politics.

    It’s not when a state comes in and bans and confiscates. Afaik Ukraine is secular state, it does not have state religion so why it does everything to look like it have one.

    The Vatican commenting on it is as absurd

    I mean sure Vatican shouldn’t throw any stones when the topic is religious freedom, but again, it’s clear case of religious opression.

    as, say, the Egyptian Coptic church making pronouncements about the Pope’s dismissal of cardinal Burke

    Bizarre and missed comparison. More apt would be if Egyptian Coptic church expressed concern over US state banning and confistating US catholic church (or any other non-Coptic church in US).

    But then again, the Vatican not staying in their lane has been the original reason of the 1054 schism to begin with, so this isn’t that surprising.

    Good thing you mention 1000 years old history! Makes your erlier dismissal of any concern over the organisation and worldy manner of denomination even funnier and more detached from reality. I’m sure there was no issues with antipopes or friday prayer names ever, after all “nothing else changes dogmatically”

  • I tried to play is earnestly after Epic gave it out for free, but while gameplay indeed is actually quite good, three factors are still bad:

    • Disappointment, this is the game from X-Com developers, while there is no next X-com game for years after the last one was not only a commercial hit but genuinly best game in genre, the only thing they did is the Chimera Squad which was extreme disappointment. It’s really no way around that.
    • Optimisation really sucks, comparable games are working smooth for me and this crap does not and never was no matter what i tried
    • Marvel banter, i HATE it, capital letters. I don’t hate Marvel universe but holy shit they should shut the fuck up sometimes. Even the pompous style of original comics was better because at least it was unintentionally funny unlike this pathetic crap served nowadays.

  • I don’t even remember all the trash games i tried to played just to delete them after few minutes.

    But the ones being remembered are instead the biggest disappointments, games which were supposed to be great or were supposed to be improved sequels of great games.

    In this cathegory trashcan lid medal goes definitely to REBEL GALAXY 2. I played first part like 10 times and only ever wanted more of it, but 2nd problem was not that it was bad or not (it was though), but that it was entirely different game.

    Dishonorable mentions for few more:

    • Dragon Age Inquisition for being a solo player simulator of a boring MMO instead of a awaited resurrection of series and even sub-genre
    • Marvel Midnight Suns, again for being supposed to be next X-Com but in reality being poorly optimised card game
    • Pandora: First Contact, supposed spiritual successor to Sid Meier Alpha Centuari. Well it was spiritual in sense i wanted to get drunk on spirits because no chance to play this turd while sober.
    • Starfield, i don’t think i have to comment on this
    • Less specific but every Dune game since Emperor: Battle for Dune and probably every Dune game in the future as long as the unFuncom have the licence
    • Gladius: Relics of War: for a game that had so much development and DLC’s it’s still shallow as puddle. Which, along with Pandora above leds me to:
    • Everything published by Sltherine i played maybe except Armageddon in good way and Pandora in bad way. Somehow nearly every good idea for a game that this company make into reality turns out to be the mediocriest of mediocrest game ever.

    EDIT: oh and the one i tried to forget so hard but other poster made me remember it: “X-Com” Chimera Squad. No, just fucking no, the pathetic death of series after glorious predecessor is just too much.