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Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • OldWoodFrame@lemm.eetoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksCulture shock
    20 days ago

    It’s not that any life is better than nothing, it’s that a good-enough life is better than nothing, and there has to be some level at which it can be said a chicken had a good-enough life.

    Obviously he doesn’t think factory farm chicken lives are worth living, but he thinks there is a possible chicken life that is.

    We actually do make this calculation for humans. A lot of countries traditionally get abortions if a fetus has down syndrome, that is a decision saying that life is not worth living. The US doesn’t do that as much but there are conversations around euthanasia, that’s the same idea but for humans. There is a level of a good-enough life and we weigh life and death decisions around that.

    I think the real argument against this is just that the whole idea doesn’t track and killing any animal for sustenance when you don’t have to is just wrong at the core. THAT is where I disagree, but I can’t math my way into changing your mind on it because I’m accounting for the quality of life for potential future beings, and you’re just not. I don’t think there’s a “right” way to account for that inherently.

  • Peter Singer is ‘the godfather of animal rights’ or whatever and he has a metric for ethical chicken farming, like a certain number of chickens raised per acre, free range.

    It’s way fewer chickens than currently raised but I think that’s an interesting way to think about it…if we didn’t have demand for eating chicken, many of these chickens wouldn’t exist. Is that better than living a close-enough approximation of your wild life? Kind of a hard question.

  • Seriously, how does “mass deportation now” poll? Even the magic wand version that just magically knows who has legal documents and who doesn’t without major disruption to those with legal status, that can’t have more than 20%-30% approval right? I don’t understand why this would be something they would make signs about.

    Edit: well, I was off, the magic wand version gets 51% which at least makes some sense to have signs. Usually you’d have something more popular as a main signpost of your campaign but I guess it’s not insane.

  • I don’t think it’s on purpose really, it’s just that sports is like the only case where being a trans woman could be a benefit, so it’s a critical part of the right wing attacks on trans people.

    But then they just look crazy when they see there are more CIS child molesters than trans women in the Olympics, like surely if it was appropriate to be so mad about trans women dominating in sports you would have them showing up in the Olympics.

    So they just had to invent a situation, and if it wasn’t the CIS woman they decided on, they would have found someone else.

  • We have to learn to better frame the issues. When Japan was ascendant, everyone projected them to overtake the US in economic power and we got all afraid and passed a bunch of protectionist rules about car imports. Think pieces get written about how their economic model was better than the US and the US is a crumbling empire.

    But it turned out it was a huge real estate bubble combined with/caused by the demographic benefit coming from a boom generation going into their prime labor years and once that generation started aging out there was a real estate slump and a balance sheet recession that lasted a decade, and they never recovered to the levels everyone was projecting 10 years prior.

    Now literally the exact same thing is happening with China and everyone is all shocked. Guess what, it’s going to happen again.

    It’s not to say the US will never fall to 2nd place in the global order, but it’s not going to be from some country growing at 10%/year forever, that doesn’t actually ever happen.

  • Real answer, Elon made it more friendly to the far right (the racists and Nazis) and unbanned a bunch of them who had previously been banned for being too racist and Nazi. Then he introduced a subscription service where you pay to have Twitter spread your content.

    So that started a doom loop: The far right bought the additional views, people who didn’t appreciate the extra racism and Nazi views on their timeline left Twitter, but the view boost was paid for so it kept pushing those views to the fewer people who remained, then THAT volume of hate pushed more people away, etc.

    It probably got to the point that they couldn’t keep paid views high enough with just people who care about politics and they had to just push at all costs, eventually to you.