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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Who they worship doesn’t matter. Based on the article, they voted for a brick to be thrown into the window of the elites. It really doesn’t matter who that person is, just as long as they inflict damage on the elites who have been marginalizing them for years.

    It was a super informative article and I hope people read it, and not assume from the title or read the summarized version like we usually do.

    If we keep labelling them ‘deplorables’, it’ll make things worse. We need to reach out and listen while also helping as best we can.

  • Biden has already been critical about the actions of Israel. Trump is in full support so when you say Biden should do X when you know his opposition would lean HARD into X, you are saying they’re the same when one is clearly worse.

    People like you love to make things black and white when the reality is shades of grey. Israel has the right to defend itself against the Hamas attack that killed over 1000 Israelis. They do not have the right to inflict genocide on anyone and whether or not you think Biden supports it ( hint hint: he doesn’t) that doesn’t mean Israel is going to stop.

    Maybe you’re just young and need to grow up a bit. Who knows? I just know your arguments are garbage.

  • Agreed. It also didn’t help that the Joostice League was terrible and Batfleck tried to be funny vs dark and serious like he was in the Snyder Cut. That one scene difference I always think of is when he’s in the crawler going up the wall to help Wonder Woman. Joostice League he says ‘i didn’t bring a sword’ in a dad-joke way and Snyder Cut he says, ‘my turn’ super serious and it just fits so damn well. I can watch the Snyder Cut over and over without getting bored. I literally can’t watch Joostice League more than once.