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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • I am not sure that you realize how public internet works. Only a few countries participate in copyright.

    Even fewer have actual laws about it. Most don’t give a shit about it at all. Your Reddit photos are public, you gave up the rights to them already, in any realistic way imaginable. You only have a case in countries with copyright laws. What about the others? How is that realistically protecting your privacy, if only one billion out of eight billion give a shit?

    So yeah, it’s a shitshow. Reddit fucked up their image. I’ll never post anything of consequence there and certainly won’t use it to create a business. Same with Facebook. Or any other public forum. I never have. And nobody should, if they are concerned with privacy or copyright.

    There is no war for privacy on the internet. Just an endless battle with companies making money. It can’t be won. Public and Privacy don’t mix. And never will. It’s a game the law-makers play. It has nothing to do with rights.

    This is reality versus Living inside your head. Prostitution? Coerced? Sexual Harassment? Dude, you are mangling those words into perversions of themselves.

    An ai is using hundreds of thousands of nudes for training. Your body is used for normalizing the process, not as a template for porn. How special do you and your celestial body feel? You probably have 10000+ natural look-a-likes. Meh.

  • That sounds like wishful thinking. If I leave my private photos and sex videos on the local supermarkets local-ads bench, I can all but hope that they will only be used for innocent fun. But who would actually expect that?

    Posting things on the internet is a verbatim open license for your stuff to being used and sold. Perhaps your country has some laws. But nobody is keeping some local vietnamese company in check, or that indian outlet. Or any other place in the world.

    The internet is public. Any bot can just parse reddit. All those pictures are being used anyway, with or without reddit making some cash with them. It’s just legal issues and drama. The data is out there, and someone is making money with it. Already. Just without making it public. All this outrcry is just additional marketing.

  • Vaping is mostly illegal because tobacco companies have to switch. They have a lot of production facilities. Those need to be tuned down, closed or converted. That would cost them a lot of money. So it’s best to slow that down with laws.

    Tobacco companies make the laws. If anything related to them is outlawed or regulated or taxed, it is because they want it that way.

    Things that are outlawed become regulated. Things that are regulated can be made expensive. It takes money to compete in a regulated market. It’s a long-game. And tobacco knows how to play a long-game.

    My guess: They’ll wait until more small companies pop up, then buy them all, and then kill tobacco, which is much less profitable than producing vape stuff. And then they’ll triple the price.

  • For me, it was the plants and the fiber. They made me groggy, sleepy, and constipated. The word antinutrients is slowly becoming an item; And for me, it’s true. Without them, I instantly felt better, stronger. And I had a much bigger will to live.

    Keto to carnivore was as big a difference as standard diet to keto.

    I would call it keto on easy mode.

  • I quit alcohol, carbohydrates, weed, porn and tobacco two and a half years ago at age 42, a few weeks after breaking my clavicle in complicated ways, and while checking for additional damage, a fatty liver was identified.

    I never picked up alcohol, weed, porn and tobacco and reintegrated sugar in reasonable amounts, like at social events.

    I did it cold turkey. One day to the next. It was absolute hell for three days. I was sick, had a fever and malaria like sweats. Then it was a psychological shitshow for two weeks.

    I was overweight, so I fasted completely for six days to withstand any temptations. Only had salt and water / electrolytes. After six days I had eggs and sardines for two weeks or so. Didn’t poop for almost a month, even had a colonoscopy to check. Everything was fine. Just adapting.

    Then I did keto for a few months, found that to be too complicated, and then went carnivore with social-event exceptions, and never looked back. Keto was fine, but being a carnivore changed everything. All my little ailments went away. Skin issues, scalp issues, rashes, moodiness, sleepiness, urges and cravings, all of it.

    Lost 12 kg in those first two weeks, barely slept, but was energetic like hell, only skipped work when having the fever and sweats.

    Two weeks of hell, half a year of experiments and two years of a new life. It is like being 20 years younger. I haven’t been sick or ill since, either.

    Good luck to you.