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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The independent Russian Athletes thing they did for Russia is a compromise, because the IOC is all corrupt as hell and can’t stand losing ANY viewers. They knew that saying “yeah but we don’t care about the thing with Ukraine” wouldn’t fly, so they did that instead (despite a lot of the athletes still doping and not maintaining neutrality on the war like they’re supposed to). I’m honestly mad several countries are allowed to compete under their own flags, including Israel and Iran (ironically, there’s a TON of Iranian athletes competing AGAINST IRAN on the Refugee team this year).

  • Moreover, surrendering whatever Russia sticks a flag in is appeasement nonsense. We’ve already seen this strategy before WWII: *oh, Germany will be OK if we just cede Czechoslovakia. Oh, Germany won’t attack if we cede Alsace-Lorraine…" An aggressive power like Russia, who already tried to annex large portions of another sovereign nation in 2008 (they invaded Georgia and got their shit kicked in because they tried the whole “three day thunder run” strategy), almost certainly will not stop if you just “give them what they want”. Eventually, they’ll want more, and more, and more, and you wind up surrendering slice after slice after slice of your country.