Currently studying CS and some other stuff. Best known for previously being top 50 (OCE) in LoL, expert RoN modder, and creator of RoN:EE’s community patch (CBP).

(header photo by Brian Maffitt)

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I feel like your preference makes sense when aligned from the perspective of a conventional forum-like platform. However I’d argue that that’s missing a core part of what kbin is/was – and by extension what Mbin is – which is the microblog integration alongside the forum-like stuff. With that context in mind, boosts (or whatever term you want to use for “retweet”) make sense to integrate imo.

    Whether or not you think Mbin should try to integrate the microblog side of things is of course a subjective - I personally think it’s a cool idea to try at least, but with how dominant lemmy has become it can be difficult to reconcile differences and incompatibilities between it and other software like Mbin.

  • “Comma-la” unfortunately doesn’t help much for people without US accents lol (though of course people in the US are who the question and answer are most relevant to). On first reading – without the accent or something close to it – it implies “kom-uh-luh”, whereas with the accent it implies something more like “kah-muh-luh”, just based on how people pronounce “comma” differently.

  • My quote is not the only content of the video; I’ve just included most of the introduction. The 13:23 long video has the following chapter markers:

    00:00 Introduction 00:50 How was DOOM originally described? 02:20 DOOM clones 04:33 Quake Killers 6:06 A hypothetical question 12:05 Conclusion

    Only the first half of the video is accurately described by your suggested title. The video as a whole is described by the existing title with reasonable accuracy. It’s not a bait-and-switch: the video also discusses what genre DOOM is, not only what genre DOOM was.

    It seems that you (and many others) have used a heuristic of “clickbait-y sounding titles don’t accurately describe the contents of videos” and left corresponding comments. Although often accurate, that heuristic has failed in this instance.

  •[Ahoy] What genre is DOOM?
    5 months ago

    Then let’s transcribe part of the opening:

    I know what you’re thinking – it’s a stupid question, it’s an FPS. It’s the definitive FPS. And it’s a fair point. DOOM ticks all the boxes required for a reasonable definition of a first person shooter. It’s presented from a first-person perspective, and shooting the bad guys is a key part of it. But the FPS genre didn’t exist when DOOM was released. The term “first person shooter” wasn’t common until a few years later.

    So what genre was DOOM? How was it originally described?

    Edit I’ve now understood that quoting most of the video’s opening salvo has unfortunately misrepresented the video’s contents to the people who are still trying to leave comments without actually watching it. It’s a video about what DOOM’s genre is and what DOOM’s genre was, not only the latter. The title looks clickbait-y but is honestly pretty accurate regarding the subject of the video.

  • It does absolutely flood the feeds of some subscribed users when you post 40 (!!) things in one go to a single place. Would you be willing to consider either submitting in batches or spreading some submissions into more targeted communities? While I admire your dedication (and of course don’t speak for everyone about preferences), I find this amount of stuff from a single sub/comm/mag at once really undesirable because in the aftermath it temporarily turns most of my subscription feed into just that and not much else.

  • From the submission:

    Not a rival, just an alternative

    The realization that led us to develop PeerTube is that no one can rival YouTube or Twitch. You would need Google’s money, Amazon servers’ farms… Above all, you would need the greed to exploit millions of creators and videomakers, groom them into formatting their content to your needs, and feed them the crumbs of the wealth you gain by farming their audience into data livestock.

    Monopolistic centralized video platforms can only be sustained by surveillance capitalism.

    Even though we cannot pinpoint the exact budget Framasoft spent on PeerTube since 2017, our conservative estimate would be around 500 000 €

    With these two perspectives it seems to be doing well, even if it can’t / won’t entirely displace the major players.