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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Limonene@lemmy.worldtoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksIsrael war
    1 month ago

    I voted you down because I think you are making a few errors here:

    1. Not every Palestinian is Hamas. Hamas is a genocidal organization that wishes it could kill every Israeli, including civilians, but not every Palestinian believes in that. And not every Israeli agrees with IDF’s genocide, although a disappointingly high proportion of them do.

    2. IDF is clearly more successful in their genocide of Palestinians than Hamas is in their attempted genocide of Israelis.

    3. Even if Hamas and IDF both were equal, a lot of the English-speaking Internet (including many Lemmings here) are Americans, and pay American taxes, and therefore have an obligation to stop the genocide funded by our taxes, through money and weapons the US government sends to Israel. Even if both sides were equally bad, we (I and other Americans) recognize the need to stop Israel, but have no obligation to stop Hamas because we aren’t sending them the weapons in the first place.

  • Yeah, it’s definitely a problem, and genetic information could end up getting linked. Even if a person thinks they might not have DNA in any existing database, whether criminal, medical, or otherwise, there’s no telling what might happen in the future. I can think of a few different ways a person might involuntarily, through no fault of theirs, get their DNA forcibly taken with no legal recourse.

    Every path here will have some tradeoffs. But the odds of getting linked are probably much lower outside your home country.

  • My best recommendation would be to go to a testing lab and provide a fake name. It should work. I’ve never been ID’d at any doctor’s office, and one time did even receive healthcare under a fake name with no trouble. Of course, that means your insurance won’t cover anything, but that’s the unfortunate reality of US healthcare. Also, they probably won’t delete your data. HIPAA includes no right to be forgotten, and in some cases, may even mandate retention for several years.

    Sorry I don’t have a better solution. I think your best bet is to distance this genetic data as much as possible from your real identity.

    Alternately, you could try going somewhere outside the US.

    I completely agree that HIPAA is dead. One time when I went to a new doctor’s office, totally unaffiliated with any doctor I’d ever seen before, the doctor instantly pulled all my medical records from several other places. They didn’t even get my verbal permission; they just did it. If that’s the level of security on these databases, and doctors are allowed to access them on old unsupported Windows computers, then it’s almost certain that the databases have tons of undetected data breaches. They’ve probably been scraped completely by multiple attackers.

  • Jesus’s crew is often described as “sinners and prostitutes”. He died next to two thieves.

    As an excommunicated Catholic, let me tell you about some of the stuff I had to learn in theology. There’s this parable of a wedding party in some gospels, where a rich guy holds a wedding, all his friends fail to RSVP, nobody comes, and so he invites in people off the street. That parable is taken as meaning: even though God was originally a god of the Hebrews, some subset of those chosen people betrayed God in some way known only to the original audience of this sermon two thousand years ago. So now this god was going to be a god of everyone, and the new Christians were the metaphorical people invited in off the street.

    If this Mark Burns idiot had ever learned even a bit of Christian theology, he would know that associating with outsiders is encouraged, especially associating with [people consider to be] sinners. He is quoting an Old Testament text, which is thoroughly overridden by New Testament text.

    He’s also citing it wrong – it’s “Psalm 1 1:3” not “Psalm 1-3”.

  • Headlines like this are problematic. I think we can all agree that Trump has done a lot of damage to democracy in the US, but are rural Trump supporters really more dangerous than urban Trump supporters? That claim is suspect, and the article provides no evidence to support it (it provides evidence that most Trump supporters are rural, which is a totally different claim.)

    And saying that white rural Trump supporters are worse than non-white rural Trump supporters is an even more serious claim. It’s racially discriminatory, and seems totally baseless in this article.

    The article has no evidence of these claims, and seems to indicate that the book doesn’t even make the claims of the headline.

    (I’m not objecting to the claims that Trump supporters are mostly rural and mostly white. That is common knowledge.)

  • Using a VPN (like Tailscale or Netbird) will make setup very easy, but probably a bit slower, because they probably connect through the VPN service’s infrastructure.

    My recommended approach would be to use a directly connected VPN, like OpenVPN, that just has two nodes on it – your VPS, and your home server. This will bypass the potentially slow infrastructure of a commercial VPN service. Then, use iptables rules to have the VPS forward the relevant connections (TCP port 80/443 for the web apps, TCP/UDP port 25565 for Minecraft, etc.) to the home server’s OpenVPN IP address.

    My second recommended approach would be to use a program like openbsd-inetd on your VPS to forward all relevant connections to your real IP address. Then, open those ports on your home connection, but only for the VPS’s IP address. If some random person tries to portscan you, they will see closed ports.