• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2023

  • I wouldn’t be surprised if there were something about different types of wigs that make them hotter than just having natural hair. That said, I’m not sure we have people with subject matter experience in the thread here.

    Like this thread over at the wigs subreddit is already talking about terms I’m not familiar with, so that seems like a promising place to start.

    I’m on lemmy because I disagree with the ownership direction at Reddit but they have an enviable user base in terms of size and diversity.

  • I’ve seen people say there’s good weird and bad weird, and if you don’t mind calling yourself weird it’s probably the good kind.

    As for calling maga people weird I think it’s effective because their whole deal is about vibes. “We’re strong, we’re smart” and it really bothers them to be perceived otherwise. It’s also not something you can “debate”. Either people accept it or they don’t. What are you going to say “no, I’m not weird”? Sure thing buddy.

  • You and the other commenter are right, I don’t expect birds to be like “let’s both chirp and make a minor third interval”. I’m sure if they harmonized it would be for whatever sounds right based on how they evolved and learned.

    What I’m getting at is it’s not harmonizing if they just happen to be making sounds at the same time. For the purposes of my question harmonizing is when we’re intentionally making two distinct tones simultaneously.

    So two birds that are just chirping along their individual songs and they happen to overlap so they each chirp complimentary notes isn’t what I’m interested in. I want to know if any animals mean to harmonize.

  • It’s frustrating that Bernie didn’t win, and I think he has the best policies. Democracy works by allowing people to have input on how things are run. If I’m reading you right you feel like a lot of voters aren’t properly informed. Isn’t that on the candidates and their campaigns? If a candidate drops out and tells their supporters “I recommend you follow so and so now” it’s on those people to do their research, but ultimately who are we to tell them we’re wrong?

    Democracy is a kind of error correction. Any one of us may be wrong, and we’re all wrong about something. So distributing decision making across many people with different perspectives, experiences and reasoning processes is a way to guard against individual error.

    Even with that process unfortunately many times the majority thinking has been shown to be misguided with time and new perspective. We can try to persuade and inform, and should. But many times our cause loses an election, and that doesn’t automatically mean it’s a conspiracy or cheating.

  • I’m a long time Bernie supporter, and as I said I’d like to see ranked choice voting because it more accurately captures voter’s preference.

    That said, how was the 2020 primary not democratic? If one soccer player passes the ball to another and they score is that manipulating the system? It’s playing the game by the rules. What is the alternative to people dropping out of the primary? Should they be forced to keep running even if it’s clear they won’t win?

    You’re right that some rules aren’t ideal. For example, thinking of this current primary my understanding is that if a candidate drops out, their pledged delegates are free to vote for whoever. That’s pretty undemocratic since now the preferences of a bunch of voters is not connected to who the candidate is.

    In the case of the 2020 primary, people did get to vote for who they wanted. To me it’s not a conspiracy when candidates drop out because they see there’s no chance they’ll win and they want someone who is sort of like minded to succeed. It sucks because in this case it was someone who I didn’t prefer.

    But think of the recent French election - a bunch of centrist candidates dropped out after the first run because they wanted to make sure the far right candidates didn’t win. That meant more far left people won. The far right in France were complaining that this was unfair. But all it really showed is they didn’t have a majority of support in those districts, and the other “team” played the game better.

  • When Biden beat Bernie it sucked, but the other candidates dropped out and put their weight behind Biden so it allowed him to get the most votes. That’s not anti democratic, just strategy.

    I’d say this go round will be much less democratic if Biden drops out, because registered Democrats more or less all voted for Biden and then all these party insider delegates will actually be the ones picking the candidate.

    Don’t get me wrong, I will still vote and advocate for pretty much anyone over Trump, but the Democratic party is not covering themselves in glory here.

    In my ideal system we’d have ranked choice voting, so many people can run without risking being a “spoiler”. If an individual doesn’t have enough votes to get a majority, those votes will move on to the voter’s second choice, then third choice and so on until someone has a majority of support.