• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • They were not that close, they just drove in from Belarus and dropped some paratroopers with no support. That’s a good strategy for losing your best troops.

    They also didn’t use a few days of bombing to soften up the targets. Ukraine was surprised but all of their equipment was intact. That’s like number one in any attack plan.

    They basically underestimated the Ukrainians and thought they would just run away. Those paratroopers were very good but they are only scary to local police, not to a trained military. Without heavy support, they were sitting ducks at the airport.

  • Yes, it’s the “expected rate” at the time you get the loan. Guess what banks expect when inflation is low? They expect it to stay low. These are fallible people, not emotionless machines.

    Banks are run by people who are not going to be around in 30 years when your loan matures. The people who approved all those 3.5% loans in the 2010s do not care that they essentially lose the bank money when inflation is higher. Plus the original bank probably sold the loan to some dumb investors long ago. That’s who takes a bath when interest rates rise (due to inflation).

  • It’s not a common misconception. If you have a fixed rate loan, say a home loan locked in at 3% or 4% (like many current homeowners), then inflation above normal helps you. When your loan was created, a sub 2% inflation rate was priced in. Anything higher than that means you are winning and your lender is losing.

    Your advantage is that you can choose to refinance when rates are low, or keep a good interest rate when rates are high. Also, I don’t know what inflation hedges you are talking about that “rich people” have access to. Anyone can buy stocks, real estate, or inflation protected bonds.

  • True about loans. Inflation benefits all debtors, not just the government. So poorer people who borrow benefit from inflation more than rich people who lend. As others have said, stagnant wages are the real problem.

    Regarding deflation, people living in deflation actually do delay purchases. That’s why the deflation persists. There is a cycle that happens where delayed purchases reduce business sales, which causes layoffs. That causes people to delay more purchases.

    In your truck example, someone would definitely delay that purchase if they lost their job.

  • Are they searching based on evidence (fair)?

    Do you really think that there’s a bunch of children running drugs around so they need to be strip searched? Let me repeat that: do you think children are committing crimes right and left?

    The police searched them, so if there was “evidence” they would have been arrested. “Child drug gangs” would be all over the news. Since that didn’t happen, we know that these children were targeted based on assumptions (probably race).

    Black children have a problem with people assuming they are older than they really are and treating them like adults. If you think there’s a ton of “evidence” that literal children are committing a ton of crime, you’re part of the problem.