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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • This. The opposition alliance is a mix of left, right, up and down, who historically and even now have knife at each other. Them coming to power is the worst that could happen to India now, and pretty sure they won’t last even a year at power. It’s the best outcome now, BJP isn’t invincible, religious politics proven not effective. India still a strong democracy. Now BJP can continue their good work, especially at international politics and strong opposition can keep them in check for the policies inside India, which have much room for improvement.

  • I’ll start a non-profit company that does proper R&D and makes smart devices that’s totally open source ground up from hardware and software maybe DIY 3D printable, communicating over an open protocol (matter probably) and managed by an open system/assistant, and extend it to an open self hostable ecosystem of everything AND make sure it’s plug and play usable for every end user with installation service whenever necessary and other. And make it sustainable. It can only be done with “fuck you” money and never let VCs anywhere near.