Lover of Heavy Metal, Pro Wrestling, Sports, and Nerd Stuff.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Because Cities Skylines 2 is such a letdown I’ve been trying Timberborn and wanna start Songs of Syx. City builders are my staple but it’s been years since I’ve caught the same high as when I played Sim City 4. CS1 was great but SC4 is still the best city builder game ever made IMO.

    Tekken 8. I love fighting games too. Street Fighter 6 is great but I fell off that game hard. Capcom is way to slow to do anything with the game. It’s really easy to get bored with it.

    After that I really wanna go back and finish BG3. I spent a lot of time in act 1 and barely touched it after that. I don’t know why I dropped it. I was having a blast. I guess that’s ADHD or something.

  • I’ve been thinking about this for a while. We really are at a point where taxation without representation should be examined. There’s always the suggestion of a general strike to force them to function, but I think the easier and more destructive method would be to not pay taxes en masse. It would take organization to get the whole country to do it but there’s already a set date and way to disrupt the system that involves you doing nothing. Simply don’t file. What happens if nobody files their taxes? What happens if the system grinds to a halt because they chose to collect the most money from the lower tax brackets and let the big corpos run free? On the flip side what happens if everybody doesn’t file taxes and the system grinds on anyway? Then what’s the point of taxes? Wouldn’t that really expose the lack of representation?

  • The way they decided to dice up the source material for GoT even before they ran out of books was the most jarring thing about reading that series. George gave them a meticulously detailed account of things and they tweaked it a lot. At least that series was grounded in historical fantasy. So there was rules that needed to be followed and George was there to guide them. If GRRM wasnt there from the start they could have gone off the rails from the beginning.

    The Three Body Problem is way more abstract idea wise and extremely dry in terms of character interaction. And is Liu gonna be able to help them to steer the ship the same way GRRM did? I don’t think so. Right off the bat these guys are being left to their own devices for a lot of this story. I read an interview where they mentioned changing the story to fit a wider audience. And looking at the two trailers, I already noticed major changes that just don’t make sense. Skepticism is gonna be at an all time high for me.

    I watched and loved GoT just as much as anybody. I read the books and quickly figured out why they took precedent over the show, even for the good years. I’ve already read Three Body Problem. On my first read through I thought this was the greatest scifi trilogy ever written. I’m not ready for someone to come and make a shitty TV adaptation of it. Especially those two.

  • I’ve lost all of my grandparents. Most of them I lost at an age where I could comprehend what was going on. Death is the slowest process on earth. The actual passing is quick. It’s emotional and hard but it lasts for the blink of an eye. The decline can take years. To watch somebody age in those final 5-10 of their life is excruciating. It’s a drip feed of watching somebody act in ways where you can tell they’re just not themselves anymore.

    Now with all that said I’m not saying Biden is knocking on deaths door, or that the process even started. What’s clear to everybody though is that he’s not the same guy as when he started his presidency. He’s studders a lot more. He’s lost a lot of hair. And he’s clearly slower than he was just three years ago.

    Hes doing the most stressful job in the world. A job that accelerates the aging process. He’s already of an advanced age more so than any president in the history of this country. He’s approaching the line of being too old to non functional. So if you’re against him you’re gonna take that to the extreme and cry he’s dying right at this moment. But to everybody else he’s past the “he’s old” stage to “ehhh he’s really fucking old, should he be doing that stage?” That’s a decline.