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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The big questions that no one is asking:

    Why did it take so long to get him for fraud? They specifically mentioned that this was while he was building his real estate empire. He’s been doing that since the 80s. Why the fuck did it take some 4 decades to build up a big enough case against him?! Why wasn’t he previously investigated? Why weren’t any of our useless news agencies digging into his finances? He ran for fucken president, for fucks sakes… why couldn’t all this mess have been avoided if various news departments and law enforcement agencies did their damn jobs.

    The most egregious thing about all this is that if he didn’t run for president, probably none of this criminal activity would ever have really come to light. District attorneys and news rooms across the country would have just let all this slide. Which then makes you wonder - how many other billionaires are there out there who are nearly as corrupt as Trump, but because they don’t lavish the media attention, they keep low and none of us know about them. Why aren’t those people being investigated? Why does it take decades to go after these asswipes and only when they purposefully shine the light on themselves?

  • Is the cat older? My oldest cat couldn’t step up into the litter box anymore so I ended up cutting the front of it so the step over was much smaller. You could also put a brick or build a wooden step which makes it easier for her to step into the box. It has to be heavy and sturdy enough to where it won’t move when the cat steps on it.

    Also check that the box is clean. I would dump qll the litter and hit the inside with a hose to make sure it is clean. Dey it, and then refill it with fresh litter. And make sure you scoop out all the poop out of it every day. Cats tends to be very clean animals and don’t like a dirty box.

    Another thing to consider is if the box is too small for them. One of our cats is rather large so we had to get a larger litter box for them.

  • their local economies are just as reliant on government spending as anyone else.

    Do you actually think they understand that? I know ex-military who get a monthly pension who can’t stop bad-mouthing the big bad gob’ment. Or ones who work for government contractors - literally their job is directly dependent on government money - and they are always complaining on how much money the gob’ment wastes on “useless” programs.

    What kills me is that Democrats typically let people like these slide by lessening the hurt that they would otherwise feel if something happened to that gob’ment they hate so much. If I am not mistaken, last time, Dems were quick to propose that military members continued to get paid even when the government was shut down. All that does is soften the blow. It actually makes it easier for Republicans to force a shut down because they won’t be harassed as much by their military members since they will still get paid. If you’re not feeling the pain from a shut down, then you are more likely to support it.