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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 5th, 2023


  • As a massage therapist, unfortunately not only are there massage therapists who have been poorly educated and taught that this is true, but I’ve had countless clients repeat it back to me over the years enough times that I feel the need to attempt to reeducate if I think the person will be receptive to the discussion.

    From my experience many people “learn” this because someone well meaning wanted to dumb things down a bit too much and the information wasn’t conveyed very clearly, or there’s practitioners of a variety of flavors that explain how “traumatic experiences are stored in the body’s tissues” and that’s why they have to (insert their brand of therapy.) Another group is surrounding athletes and trainers, who use the term as blurry language and people take them literally as they are then as experts.

    It doesn’t sound like that big of a deal until you get a client who thinks that if you hurt them enough with an aggressive massage that it’ll “fix” a past trauma. I wish I were joking.

  • That’s the difference between gray matter and white matter. Gray matter readily communicates with it’s crowding neighbors and can retain information, while white matter is myelinated so it can send messages over distances. Gray matter extends from our brains down our spinal cords.

    Muscles are dumb meat who take their orders from the nervous system. They have no capacity for memory. But training can create reflexes at the spinal cord level which some refer to as “muscle memory,” except it’s not the muscle that should get the credit here.

  • This is why I said “typically does not” instead of never. Some people’s immune systems will go ape shit and get every possible symptom under the sun, and children’s immune systems/reactions can be more stressed till they build some strength and have more exposures through life so their bodies learn how to handle them.

    But if someone has a bad day that they’re throwing up/have diarrhea (no stuffy nose, congestion, or other respiratory symptoms) then chances are they consumed something their body is trying to reject.

  • Antibiotics aren’t for viruses. Cold air doesn’t make you sick. Tongues don’t have “taste zones.” Muscles don’t have memory.

    And because you threw up for one day, you didn’t have “the 24hr flu.” You ate something bad or someone didn’t wash their hands. The flu is short for influenza, which is a respiratory virus, which typically does not make you throw up and shit. More likely it was the dodgy gas station sushi.

    Let’s keep going…

  • The last hotel I stayed at (fancy expensive hotel for a company gathering) had a mini fridge stocked with ridiculously expensive items, in such a way that the fridge was unusable for outside items. There was also a note that any items removed from the fridge would automatically be charged to the room. There was one bottle of complimentary water on the counter though.

  • Something I haven’t seen other commenters bring up that can have a huge impact, is the overall lifestyles people are living.

    The unhealthiest years of my life were when I was working 2 jobs and struggling to keep a roof over mine and my 3 kids heads. Stress and depression were huge problems and money was tight, so sometimes the little bit of dopamine or serotonin from eating a “treat” were the highlights of the day. Add to that, the guilt of not being around to cook regular meals for my kids lead to 1) making large amounts of food on my one day off that could be eaten as leftovers throughout the week or 2) easy convenience foods (frozen pizzas, boxed Mac and cheese, etc) that the kids could make when I wasn’t around.

    Fast forward many years - my kids are adults taking care of themselves and I’m down to 1 good job that offers financial stability. My diet and health have completely changed. I actually have the time and energy to cook and plan better.

    I’m not saying this to shift blame or responsibility, but to bring a different experience. When I hear (hopefully well meaning) people suggest “just cook healthier meals” it strikes me about the same as “stop eating avocado toast and you could afford a house.”