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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Meh. Sure, she’s gonna be able to leverage some of that stuff into a paycheck, but she squandered the influence of more powerful Republicans and generally acted like a spoiled child. Even MTG has more focus on the evil shit conservatives are doing and that’s saying something.

    Boebert isn’t going to get near as many speaking invites and won’t be able to charge anywhere near what other ejected Republicans can. Fucking Mike Flynn and the pillow man can charge more than boobert

    I’m pretty sure her TV appearances are mostly going to be Newsmax and OAN.

    And honestly, the only reason that CO repububs are being this open about ditching her is because everyone already knows her reelection bid is dead in the water. Dem Adam Frich lost by less than a thousand votes in the midterms and all projections anticipate him handily trouncing her in the next general. Its not because they actually care about her giving handies during Beetlejuice.

  • Exactly. LinkedIn jobs is incredibly useful. I have also found it useful for helping friends and colleagues find new jobs or make career switches because of the connections I have. I only maintain work connections through LinkedIn as I don’t use Facebook, Instagram, etc.

    Absolutely, ignore the post feed. It’s just capitalist boot fucking. A bunch of fucking losers with made up bullshit in their titles trying to be leadership influencers.

    I sincerely vouch for the jobs function, though.

  • Yep, airport for sure. I used to get sick everytime I flew. Not anymore and in hindsight it seems stupid that I never masked at the airport before. And doctor’s office if it’s my primary care or urgent care. Not much of a need for a mask at the dermatologist. Basically if I’m somewhere there’s a fuck load of contagious people.

    Recently though, the air quality has been so bad from the wild fires up north that I’ve worn a mask while out. I came home one day from coughing like crazy and my throat was sore. I thought I was getting sick until I put two and two together about the thick haze of wildfire smog. Masked up until the AQI went back down and saved myself some discomfort.

  • Yep. That was the organization exodus for my last job. Without any warning or planning, a state government agency, demanded everyone come back first week June 2021 when not a single other state office was even considering it. It was way out of left field and threatened to completely fuck up many people’s lives and there was a mass exodus. Staff left agency wide. I think it was somewhere around 300 employees of a several thousand. Which may not seem like that much, but when 300 people quit in one agency over the course of two weeks, it’s extremely noticable lol. The leadership at the top got berated publicly by the governor and they had to reverse course to stop people from leaving. But hey, I got a promotion, a huge raise, and got to demand my telework schedule because I instantly became more important hahaha.

    The next exodus was my specific division. The deputy director we all liked and the media relations manager we all liked were fired out of nowhere by the same agency leadership that fucked up in the telework debacle. They placed their own drones in the two spots and it absolutely decimated morale. Not to mention the stool pigeons they selected are two of the most incompetent people I’ve ever had the displeasure of working with. I took a high-paying job with a federal contractor and bounced. Four people left in the few months following. They hired new people, two of which left within three months. I still talk to the social media manager who’s still there and she fills me in on all the bullshit they’re continuing with. Out of a public affairs division of 14 people, there’s only six still there that were there when I left last September.

  • Make it five. I nuked 12, 8, and 5 year old accounts. In all three I had comments that used to be linked in Google search results. I put up with a lot from Reddit admin over the years, but it just simply wasn’t worth it anymore, and fuck them, they’re not gonna reap the benefits from Google traffic on my old accounts. I scrubbed and deleted my Twitter account a couple days ago as well. I’m sick and tired of these rich, stupid clownshoes ruining everything. This fediverse stuff is legit. I’m genuinely invested in seeing decentralized social media succeed.

    Sure, Reddit and Twitter aren’t going to collapse because some power users killed their accounts, but Lemmy and Mastadon can grow and show that what they’re doing works if myself and others are making an effort to participate.