• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • The bullshit that gets upvoted/downvoted here, does not get that on reddit. It’s really weird to see some of the cultural differences between the two platforms in terms of user base.

    We drug animals for flights all the time, it’s practically a requirement. Until the age of at least 5, kids are essentially animals with just as little self-control

    Not only do I think it’s ok to give them something that would help them sleep through it, I think it should be mandatory.

    I don’t think this level of bullshit would fly in the reddit equivalent of r/worldnews

  • At literally every point of modern history, a reduction in the amount of humans was beneficial for the vast amount of humans in the long run.

    Like, even the Black Death led to reduced wealth inequality and the beginnings of workers rights.

    I don’t see how someone can claim that the mass death of people is simultaneously beneficial to that people.

    There’s a difference in reduction of humans by events that cause death at large scale vs decline in rates of reproduction. Clearly catostrophic death is being used as an example of “a reduction in the amount of humans.”

  • I’m not making a both sides argument about history. I’m making a both sides observations about personal experience and belief. Individuals on both side have experienced things that compel them to feel justified in war at a personal psychological and biographical level. Collectively, at a sociological level too. Explanation/description and justification are not the same thing, and I am merely trying to explain that no side thinks they are the bad guys, and both sides think they have justification. If you want to explain “why” israel goes to war it’s not useful to describe them as a maniacal bond villain or one dimensional like a Marvel Villain.

    I think the conflation of justification vs understanding, description, explanation, is preventing us from having meaningul discourse. When Hannah Arendt wrote “The Origins of Totalitarianism” it wasn’t a justification for the the holocaust. It was a description of the rationality that lead to the holocaust. Just because you can attempt to understand evil doesn’t mean you are promoting or justifying it. Today, merely suggesting that Israeli’s suffered and had had experienced a sense of duty to rescue hostages is somehow interpreted as an argument for genocide and will somehow cause someone to be accused of being a zionist or some other inflammatory rhetorical pejorative.

  • But the point is we can’t trust personal responsibility. If a significant volume of the population is basically guaranteed to not invest and save voluntarily for retirement that is always going to be a social problem. Also, there’s the problem of employers voluntarily providing retirement programs. Sure, I think there’s a question of what or how that savings is invested for retirement (pension, 401k, etc), but it seems there needs to be more mandate to require employer’s of a certain size to support retirement plans. And possibly even more mandate to require contributions to retirement plans. The article describes this in Australia: “Australia’s Superannuation Guarantee requires companies to contribute the equivalent of 11 percent of an employee’s monthly pay to an investment account that is controlled by the worker, who can also put in additional money. The “Super,” as it is known, includes full-time and part-time workers and has proved to be enormously successful. With its relatively small population — just 27 million — Australia now has the world’s fourth-highest per capita contributions to a pension system, and almost 80 percent of its work force is covered.”