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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • “Why do I give a shit? It isn’t mine.”

    Personally, I think a lot of the behavior you mention is tied to a lack of ownership/personal investment in their community.

    Unpopular opinion time: I think a year or so of mandatory service after high school would be beneficial for most people in this regard. Working for pretty much any non-religous social organization would be work and bring people closer to the place that they live and increase empathy for those who are worse off than they are.

  • not sure if more people are working but with a minimum wage of $7.25 what is the point of working and most places such as Wally’s Hell lowered the start pay since covid lower than $15 sometimes only paying $12 an hour if not lower

    Not something the President can do.

    what is made here because hardly any of just the essential everyday items depend on are made here maybe assembled here or just a small amount of parts are made here but bulk of assembled parts are not US made


    Also the CHIPS Act

    when was the economy rescued because we missed the announcement and could not tell by driving around town

    Economies worldwide have taken a shit and the US is doing better than pretty much any other nation. So maybe it isn’t great but comparatively it’s pretty good.

    when did he rebuild infrastructure?


    …the main artery i40 that connects east coast to west coast has a bridge…

    Are you talking about the one that ArDOT was supposed to be inspecting but didn’t?

    Biden helping veterans? my grandfather who served had to wait over twelve hours in a hospital recently nearly dying because the VA Hospital was too far away and they said to go to the nearest ER - VA was hour and half but given the wait the ER gave still though

    Sorry your grandfather had to go through that but where does he live and what was his problem? There can’t be a VA hospital on every corner and unless his problem is service related he should be to a regular hospital anyway.

    Also, https://www.va.gov/wilmington-health-care/news-releases/at-the-direction-of-president-biden-va-is-expanding-health-care-eligibility-to-millions-of-veterans/

    Meaningful gun violence reduction legislation? is there not news out everyday about someone being shot or groups of people being shot? not to mention a cop recently was the one to mishandle a gun by firing on a kid

    Once again, the president does not introduce legislation.

    Do not feel like my child or their friends are protected in this day in age while they are out in public anywhere without constantly worrying about something happening when they are not home and especially do not feel like Biden is our LGBTQI+ savior - there was just someone murdered in Oklahoma

    All anti-LGBTQI+ legislation is at the state level.

    When did he give an executive order to restore abortion rights? oh yeah he just less than quartered assed it and is now looking for credit for doing 100% of the work that was needed and is asking for payment mean donations

    Once again… not something that can be done by EO. Abortion rights were stripped because the Republican party slow rolled Supreme Court nominations under Obama giving Trump three seats whose nominees lied to the Senate about their position.

    Wife still has this student debt and the school she went to is a technical college that leeches tax money from our county from property taxes and the like and know she is not the only person still with this problem so this one is just words on a webpage as well

    I’m still paying my student loan debt as well but he has gotten $136 billion for 3.7 million people forgiven.

    when did he and prosecutor Harris end the failed approach to cannabis? it is legal in all fifty states and all cannabis users have been released and or pardoned? must have missed this entirely or are you not living in the same United States on the Planet Earth as we are or?

    The proposal to reschedule marijuana from a class 1 to a 3 is with the DEA after the HHS recommended the change.

    when did those two ever advocate or do anything to advance equity and racial justice including historic criminal justice reforms? What about cop city? What about the campaign promises for police reform which might have helped with making this statement a reality

    You got me here mostly because it’s pushing midnight and I can’t think of anything of the top of my head. I can’t imagine that, at a minimum) Harris (a black woman) hasn’t done with work towards this.

    what environmental reforms did he help with exactly? again have you been outside lately


    not sure about the numbers on how many people are insured but the quality and amount of medical staff are very poor and not adequately staffed

    Without nationalized healthcare I don’t know what Biden is supposed to do about that. Also depending on where you live, state policies are driving doctors out of the state. Idaho has lost 1/4 of their OB/GYN doctors in the last year because of their policies.

    BLAB: Biden isn’t perfect but he’s a lot better than you’re giving him credit for and you’re blaming him for things he can’t control. In the end his general election opponent will likely be Trump and things are 100 times better under Biden.

  • Three thoughts.

    First, there might only be one pair of the gold ones and he’s using them as a tool to get people to the website to buy the slightly more reasonable red or white ones and cologne/perfume. At the very least the red and white look like wearable shoes. It’s weird that the gold ones on the website are clearly numbered but there isn’t a reference to how many are being made.

    Second, the white and red ones both say they are just samples meaning that the ones people get will most likely be worse in every way but because they don’t ship until August no one will be able report how shitty they are until its to late to cancel.

    Third, the red ones say “T-REDWAVE” on the side. Is that when a trans man still has their period because we know it doesn’t refer to sweeping Republican election victories?

  • Maybe it wasn’t your intent but there is a bias that seems to lean against Biden regarding age and mental capacity and the title of this post feeds into it. Everytime Biden shudders a little it’s plastered all over every news outlet for days. When Trump doesn’t remember who he ran against in 2020, that WW2 has already happened, or Jeb Bush didn’t get the US involved in Iraq it’s ignored. The only difference is one is President and the other desperately wants to be President (again) and is the presumptive Republican nominee.