• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Remember in 2016 there were LGBT for Trump?
    It was absolutely insane!! No it doesn’t make sense, but there are always a percentage that are delusional, and sometimes they manage to convince others.
    Probably there are people who actually believe they don’t deserve equal rights, this can be indoctrinated through religion, and religiousness in USA is VERY high.
    There are probably also people who don’t see themselves as part of one of the groups even if they clearly are.
    Remember the MAGA woman who was extremely surprised when her husband was expelled because he was an illegal alien? That’s how stupid people can be!
    Because it’s “all the others” not “me” they think.

  • USA as a society is mentally ill, where sociopathy is often seen as a virtue. For instance denying poor people health care and food, denying pregnant women with potentially lethal complications the right to abortion. Allowing (white) people to kill (black) people without reason based on stand your ground rules. Refusing stricter gun rules despite countless school shootings. Denying workers a living wage. The list of sociopathy permeating US society goes on and on.

    Now I know that despite this, about half the population see the problems. There are also Americans that fight this, and are world class people. But the other half, somehow confuse Trump’s sociopathy with strength, and admire him for it. Yes this is how it is in USA, sociopathy is widely not only accepted but admired, people want Trump to hurt people, the poor, emigrants, people of color, LGBT. Many Americans want all these people to suffer, for no other reason than their mere existence. Somehow this is OK to even extend to women in general too! As Trump is clearly a major misogynist.

    If you are a normal well functioning person, it’s near impossible to grasp that such hate can be this widespread, and Trump is fueling it, and before him Republicans have been fueling it for decades.

    This makes all the hateful illegal stuff Trump does nearly irrelevant, people simply don’t care, his followers just want to see the people they hate burn. It’s not that Trump isn’t called out at times, it’s just that it doesn’t really make a difference.

  • Yes I mostly agree with that, but it’s also proprietary technologies, and those technologies are based on local scientists working on them.
    I admit I didn’t read the whole report, but as I understand it, the report doesn’t claim China is leading in for instance “advanced aircraft engines” but it claims China is investing 5 times more than USA in research on it.

    I mention this as an example in a previous post, that it doesn’t mean they are leading the field now, because for instance USA has worked on that for 80 years already, and China is probably still catching up.
    But unless we up our own game, China will surpass the west.

    I have read other reports stating that China spend about twice the percentage of GDP on research compared to USA, and most western countries spend less than USA. I’ve been arguing for more education and research for my own country every chance I get for more than a decade now, but everybody is too busy making money, and that’s going so well they think we don’t need it. (Denmark)

    Maybe the report is alarmist, maybe I am alarmist, but I’m not sure I want China to take the role USA has had since WW2. Xi and China are becoming hostile and arrogant in international politics, if this is the way of China going forward, it does not bode well IMO.

  • That’s whataboutism, and it’s very easy to point to FOX news spewing lies if you want to.
    Just saying FOX news is right wing is not a very good argument against Fox news either.

    Do you in fact disagree with the main sentiment of the report? And if you do, then why?
    I happen to agree with the report on the main issue, that China is surpassing us on science and technology research.
    Maybe I’m wrong, but I can see that China has made major strides in just about every field. For instance China can make their own quality ball bearings, which Russia can’t.

    Just as an example of a seemingly minor thing, that has had a major impact on Russia when the west embargoed them because of Ukraine.

    It’s OK to warn the report may be biased, but downvoting because you disagree is bad practice.
    Downvoting it because it has false info however, is perfectly allright IMO, but nobody has shown that.

  • Well to be fair, it turned out that we should probably have been more hawkish towards China sooner.
    So it seems to me you are arguing against what you say you are arguing for.

    Nothing in what you describe shows anything wrong with the report or the article.
    There is little doubt that China is spending way more on research than most countries, and being a close #2 in the world on economy, that makes it very plausible that China is in fact #1 in research today, and if we do nothing, China is destined to surpass us.

    Silencing that warning is doing work for China.