I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • From what I can tell, et al. is not about socio-political power*. It’s just a necessity for ease and efficiency. In-text citations need to be short to limit wasted space. Otherwise, we’d have lots of text dedicated to unnecessary names. An in-text citation that reads (Perez et al., 2023) is much more efficient than (Perez, Washington, Smith, Iwukuni, Johnson, Patel, Boofy, Yamirez, Tate, Hendrix, Apple, Man, & Gargamel, 2023).

    Using 7th ed. APA, the citation entries in the bibliography/references include upto the first 20 authors, so contributors are rarely omitted.

    • Perhaps being the first author is in many situations, but APA format can’t really address that.

  • I'm back on my BS 🤪@lemmy.autism.placetoScience Memes@mander.xyzBlocked 🚫
    23 days ago

    I’m no STEM major, so I may be way off, but this is how I see it.

    V = IR isn’t math. It’s a way of defining the relationship and outcome of two specific physical qualities. It says that we combine the resistance of a medium ( R) with the current flowing through it (I) into another joint emergent quality we call voltage (V). We do this because it makes our understanding of the physical world easier to manage since this relationship has helpful applications.

    Math is simply patterns in the relationships of quantities. It excludes any physical units or qualities. In other words, math is the art of counting.

  • Every single corporation is doing what they’re legally bound to do: increase profits for shareholders. Companies don’t and never have cared about the customer. They care about a customer as much as you care about an NPC. What’s with people thinking that they ever cared??

    Of course MS is using that data. Why wouldn’t they?? Would they lose customers if people found out? Nope. If you were in charge of making that decision, you would use that data too. And if you’re too held to your privacy morals, you’ll never be in that position at MS because they only place people that will decide to maximize profits.

    Here’s how you know a company is doing something: Would it make them more money? Then theyre doing it. That’s it.

    Also, it’s MICROSOFT!! lol Not Mozilla, RedHat, Canonical, or the Linux Foundation. Remember when someone shoved a pie in Bill Gates face?

  • The federal government didn’t make prostitution illegal, so technically, a woman can be a prostitute in the US. Each state except for Nevada made it illegal, which is why anyone can’t legally be a prostitute outside of the very specific places where it’s allowed in Nevada.

    Additionally, Roe v. Wade wasn’t about bodily control. It was about a woman’s right to privacy v. society’s duty to protect life. The right to privacy argument was that government could not shove themselves in the affairs between a woman and medical staff. The duty to protect life argument was that society was ethically obligated to protect the life of vulnerable people. They found that life was more important than privacy, so it became a matter of when life began. The thing is that the beginning of a life isn’t so clear.

    According to science, life begins at conception. That’s when the new DNA mix is created and a new being is created. Yet, that zygote cannot live on its own and is 100% dependent on the mother to exist, so is it really alive? That was the debate. The Supreme Court divided pregnancy into trimesters representing the incremental development of an individual human life.

    Since a fetus was viable starting in the 3rd trimester, states could pass laws banning abortions then. Since a fetus had a heartbeat but was iffy on being viable in the 2nd trimester, states could regulate but not ban abortions in then. States couldn’t do anything about abortion in the first trimester. That was what Roe v. Wade was about, and why many people were upset with the ruling. It never really addressed the fundamental issues of body autonomy from the government on one side. When it came to protecting life, it didn’t really decide to do that either since they established periods in the life of the fetus during which it was legal to allow it to die. No one was happy with the decision because it was a negotiation that was hypocritical on both ends, which I guess is how you know it was a proper negotiation 😄

    My personal opinion was that the judges were buying time to allow the legislative process to address the matter in a more democratic manner rather than allowing the court to decide. However, the topic was so politically costly that no one did anything to definitely address it, making the country depend on the ruling of 9 unelected officials.

  • You’re welcome! I also experience that, so I noticed it intuitively. Lately, I’ve been trying to navigate it myself by realizing that sometimes I say lies just to prove it right. Like, I will confess to intentions I didn’t have or even behaviors I didn’t commit just so people can think that. Like, I might go somewhere with a friend and accidentally forget my wallet. When it comes time to pay for something sporadic, I admit that I left my wallet at home to not have to pay. Or, I might admit to stealing something I payed for. I don’t know why I do it, but I think it’s related to the belief that I’m a bad person and want others to think that because it would be validating. It also gives the impression that I’m sneaky, so it serves as a warning for people to not try shady crap with me. I know it’s not healthy and don’t like that I do that, so I’m trying to work on it. I think the root cause is the core belief that I’m bad and don’t deserve love. I’m freaking crazy lol…aww 🙁